Chapter 14

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  • Dedicated to Liam


This chapter is dedicated to my lovely boyfriend Liam :)


Chapter 14 (Girl V.S. Boy)

I sighed, coming back in from lunch. This lunch was extremely boring. All I did was go home for lunch and eat there. My sister was there but it wasn’t the same.

I mentally groaned as I went back into the school after lunch. I was walking along, minding my own business when all of a sudden, someone wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “Hey, you actually came back,” Brandon said into my ear, an amused tone to his voice.

I rolled my eyes, yanking my shoulder away from him. “Don’t you ever touch me ever again,” I threatened.

“Aww, come on, Ella. It was all fun and games,” Brandon said, not sounding sorry.

The whole morning, Brandon decided to make me miserable. That included having sticky notes with random insults on my back or knocking my binder out of my hands while I passed by him in the hallway. “Well, I don’t want to play your games,” I said, sighing sharply.

“May I ask you a question?” Brandon said, ignoring me.

“No,” I said, hoping he’d go away.

“Is it getting to you?” Brandon asked, ignoring me once again.

I scoffed. “What is?”

“Me. Obviously, I don’t want you here. You don’t want me here. So why don’t you just leave?” he asked casually.

“I can’t just pick up and leave. And no, it’s not getting to me. Your stupid games are just showing how immature you are. If anything, I have all the glory,” I said, shaking my head.

“Ella, just leave. It will make it easier on the both of us. Trust me,” he said.

“Brandon, just leave me alone. I will pretend I don’t know you and you will pretend you don’t know me, got it?” I said, before walking into class.

I groaned as I saw Brandon was still following me. My homeroom teacher wasn’t in the room yet. I sat in my desk and watched as Brandon leaned against the doorframe, not going to his class. “Get out of here! You’re not even in this room!” I snapped, glaring at him.

Suddenly, the classroom’s closet door opened and out walked two boys from my class, holding a big bucket. Before I knew it, I was soaking wet. “Ahh!” I screamed as the freezing cold water covered my entire body.

The whole class watched in shock while Brandon and the two boys who dunked me laughed hysterically. “You should have seen your face!” Brandon said, holding his stomach as he was laughing so hard.

I glared at him and got up from my desk, watching straight towards him. “This was all you, wasn’t it? You did this to me!” I said, poking him in the chest firmly.

Brandon smirked, shrugging. “Maybe I did. If it gets you out of this school, then yes, yes I did. Am I a genius or what?”

I was so angry, so furious, that I didn’t even see my homeroom teacher, Mr. Ames, appear behind Brandon. “Fuck you!” I yelled to Brandon.

“Miss Perry!” Mr. Ames said, wide eyed. At first he looked a bit confused as to why I was soaking wet but he then put on an angry expression. “To the office. Now!” he yelled.

Brandon chuckled quietly to himself as I walked out of the classroom. “Get a late slip and get to class, Mr. James,” Mr. Ames said, shaking his head.

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