Chapter 8

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  • Dedicated to All The Bad Boy and The Good Girl readers!!!


WOO HOO NEW CHAPTER! Sorry this took a bit long. I wanted to make it longer and longer each time I typed it up. LOL.

OH and picture on the side is of Janice's dress. I know, I didn't put a pic of Elle's dress but just picture a mini, strapless, black dress that is plain LOL.


Chapter 8 (Girl V.S. Boy)

I let out a deep breath as I watched the crowded stands. “Relax,” I said quietly to myself, feeling my pre-game jitters come act up.

I have never been this nervous for a game before. “You’ll do great,” I heard a voice say behind me.

I turned around to see my sister grinning at me; a man’s arm snaked around her. “Um, hey, Em. Thanks for coming… Who’s this?” I asked, nodding my head towards the man.

The guy wore ripped blue jeans and black biker boots. He wore a black motorcycle jacket and his whole look was disheveled and messy. He had a bad boy vibe going on. “Oh, this is Owen! Isn’t that great? He came to visit me but I said I was watching your soccer game so he just tagged along! That’s okay, right?” Emily asked, snuggling into Owen’s chest.

I bit my lip. I didn’t want him here at all. I didn’t like him one bit. He didn’t look to be happy to be here anyways. “Yeah, sure. He can stay,” I said finally, giving her a small smile.

Emily squealed, going up on her toes to kiss Owen on the cheek. “You can stay, babe! Let’s go find our seats. Good luck, sis!” she said, pulling a reluctant Owen along with her.

“Hey, it’s your stoner sister,” Matthew said, laughing as he came up behind me.

I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, and her bonehead of a boyfriend.”

“You don’t like the guy?” he asked curiously.

I shook my head, my nose turned up. “Nope. He’s the one who made my sister drop out of college.”

Matthew tsked. “That’s not good.”

I shrugged. “Whatever, they deserve each other.”

I walked away, Matthew following. “So, can you believe Brandon punched your ex out? That was insane!” he cried, grinning proudly.

I sighed. “It was uncalled for.”

Matthew scoffed, putting his hands on his hips. “That guy was a jerk to you, Elle. All Brandon was doing was looking out for you. Hell, he would never miss a game and look where he got himself; sidelined!”

I rolled my eyes. “I said thank you to him. He, although, needs to say sorry to me.”

“You guys are in a fight, aren’t you?” he asked, frowning.

I nodded. “Sort of.”

Matthew sighed. “That sucks. Do you think he’s going to miss the after party?” he asked, looking worried.

I shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“He can’t miss it!” Matthew cried, shaking his head.

I rolled my eyes. “It’s his fault. He punched him out.”

“But he was just looking out for you. You have to cut him some slack even if you are in a fight or not,” Matthew said, frowning.

I sighed and looked over at Brandon, who was staring out onto the field with a blank stare as he sat in the grass. I turned back to Matthew. “I’ll talk to coach,” I said, giving in.

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