Chapter 3.

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"Hello, everyone" Liam smiled, you could tell he was slightly nervous buy the slight hesitant in his voice.

"I'm Niall" Niall waved

"I'm Harry" Harry smiled

"I'm Louis" Louis grinned

"And I'm Zayn"

I was having a major fangirl attack, in my head, i didn't want them to think I was having a nervy b (Mine and El's way of saving Nervous Breakdown) that would be awkward, I could not believe that one direction were in my college, they are standing on the ground that i have walked upon, I was sure I was dreaming but if I was then I certainly didn't want to ever wake up.

The were talking about the new tours they were doing how important our education is (Nice one Mrs Tudor)  and other things that wouldn't of interested me in the slightest if anyone else was saying them. They were so amazing in real life, they say you should never meet your idol because they might be the complete opposite of what you thought they would be, but they were exactly what I thought they would be, perfect. I was taking photos, as were many of the other sluts (Also Known as Pupils) here. I wished El was sitting next to me, fangirling.

They finished what they were saying, and Mrs Tudor waddled back on stage, pushing her way in between Harry and Louis, who had to suppress there laughs, as so she didn't notice.

"Well, thank you boys and yes education is very important, as you will know" Mrs Tudor flashed one of her fake smiles. She often gave us the education is important rant, i know it of by heart now, she did not need to recite it to me, but none the less she did, we had this talk at least once a week, if not more.

"Thank you for having us" Liam said with a smile

"Its a pleasure, anyways the boys will becoming around the classrooms through out the day to see you all, please go to your forms, the boys will be starting with the third floor, working there way down  " She smiled at them but gave a stern look to us.

That was the floor where we were. I was now in official nervy b mode, this was not good. At least at Mcfly they didn't really do much apart form sing, i didn't get to see them with in a meters distance. Maybe it will be that way with One Direction, they wouldn't notice me anyways I had to act like they wouldn't otherwise I could die on that very spot and that would be embarrassing.

I ran back to my classroom getting told of by multiple teachers for running in the corridors  and sat down brushing my hair and applying the vaseline i had in the bottom of my bag, it had appeared out of nowhere, but it was probably El, she always did thigns like that, once she put an ice cube in there. I don't know why. She was rather random but I loved her for that, she often sleep walked is well I once found her in the garden in the morning, it was funny but confusing.

One Direction walked in, Louis ran his hand through his caramel brown hair. I smiled but looked down at my art book, I guess they were starting here then.

"Say hello to the boys" Our teacher said pushing them into the middle of the large room.

"Hello" The class said, the girls in excited fake laughs and the boys in an 'I couldn't care  who these douches are' tone.

"So if you want to just go around and see the sudents then please do" She smiled at them

'Okay' Zayn smiled

'There a very bright bunch, ask them anything and do ask me any questions you have too' She sat back down at her desk.

This would either end up in hospital, or with the police coming here, like they did with McFly although that wasn't my fault, but they weren't one direction, they were just McFly.

It was 20 minuets of endless shouting screaming and boys being themselves. our teacher reminded us that we should not raise out voice unless we are standing a football pitch away form the other person, my class had clearly forgotten this, she said it through gritted teeth like we were embarrassing her or something.

The walked around, making every day conversation with most people. I was near them, would they come to my desk, I didn't think so and in a way I kind of wished they didn't.

"Hello" Liam said looking down at my art book, I covered it quickly with my arm.

"Hi"  I replied trying to keep my cook

"Are you ok?" Louis asked chirpily

"Im fine" I replied a bit to hastily

" Are you sure?  You look a bit pale." Zayn asked 'Do you have a headache' He finished

"I'm anemic, I look pale all the time, i can't help it and yes i'm fine." I lied although i was anemic, had been since i was 12, I was never fine, fine is a word you use when you're not okay but don't want people to know.

"Whats you're Name?" Harry asked me

"Diana." I replied

"It's nice to meet you. Do you have food?" Niall asked

"No i don't have food Niall" I laughed

"You should do, my school food sucked, we had to have rabbit stew."  Niall explained

"We get oil filled pizza here." I replied my mind thinking of the oil dripping of the pepperoni pizzas they sell in the canteen.

Louis nudged Niall's arm who looked confused. I didn't care, they must be wanting to get away from me and i was going to let them, they would want to talk to people like Skyla MacRae, she was the prettiest girl in school, her and scott where going out. 

"Please don't" Liam whispered

"What?" I questioned

"Your wrists, please don't Diana" Liam continued

"You shouldn't  of seen that?" I say pulling down my sleeve cursing my self for wearing the dress. 

"Sarah used to do that. She was special too." Liam whispered

"Sarah?" I question

"Danielle's sister, she went through a  hard time." Liam finished

"Oh Liam i'm sorry" I replied

"Draw a butterfly on your wrist, when you want to do it" Harry said

"What?" I interrupted

"Name it after a loved one, you can't cut until its gone, you can't deliberately take it off, if you cut while its still on your arm, it dies, if you have more than one butterfly they all die. If you do this every time you want to cut, it should stop you." Harry finished

"Its not that easy Harry" I muttered

"How?" Harry questioned 

"You're not going to remember me tomorrow, you wont remember any of this " I said truthfully

"Who says?" Harry questioned

"I do" I replied

"I like you Diana" Harry said

"Yeh right" I replied

"Give me your number and we can hang sometime, and then maybe you wont think we forget our fans, we're normal people too you know?" Zayn said

"Fine" I sighed, handing them my phone to get my number. 

"We'll see you soon Diana"

I laughed, that was never going to happen.

A/N sorry about the shitty chapter, im off to have tea now! Please comment vote and things, love you xx <3 ~Corky

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