Concert- Josh's pov

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It had been 5 days, since i'd met Diana, we were always texting, and i'd organised backstage passes for her to come to our concert tonight, i was currently at Louis, we'd spent the first hour rehersing and now we were having Lunch, before heading of to the arena.

"So Josh, how's Diana"

"Shut up, guys" I started turning a deep shade of crimson

"OHH, some one's in Love"

"Stop it!"


"So when you gonna meet her again"

"Tonight actually"

"WHAT! When?"

"she's comming to the concert"

Niall walked out the room, and into the games center.

"What's up with him"

"Erm, Josh?"


"Niall sort of thas a thing for Diana"


"Look, Josh we're really sorry"

"Why didn't he tell me!"

"He knowns you really like her"

I need to go find him...

 I left the room heading on into the games centre....


"Josh wh- what are you doing here"

"They told me"

"Told you what?"

"I know you like Diana"

"Oh" Niall looked like he wanted to cry.

"Niall come on mate"

"I'm sorry josh I never meant for it to happen! It just sort of did"

"Niall I don't care, ok what do you want me to do"

"What can you do"

"We'll we could" 

"Josh you're not breaking up because of me"

"If you say so Niall"

"I'm sorry josh"

"Stop saying that Niall, let's get out if here"

We walked back into the lounge, silence everywhere.

"Niall are you ok mate?"

"I'm fine liam" but you could could tell he was broken on the inside 

"I'm going to make us some tea before we head of to the arena Liam come help me"


We headed of into the kitchen, before starting to make the cups of tea, that was really all we drank.

"Josh are you ok?"

"I'm fine, I just feel really sorry or Niall"

"Oh josh"

"Come on let's make the tea"


"I need to text Diana I've organised a car for her tonight!" 

I got out my phone and replyed to message she'd sent me earlier...

From: Josh  

No, I've sent a car for you it should be there by now!? I'll meet you at stage left, the driver will have the pass. See you in a min xx J 

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