One Year On. -Diana's Pov

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The date was 25th December 2014, recognise it? Yeah it’s been a year since I tried to commit suicide, the last ever cut I made on my self was a little over 6 months ago and that’s something I’m so proud of, because I know that I’m slowly getting better, I’m not the way there yet. I’m a long way off but I’m slowly getting to where I want to be.  A lot has happened in the past year, more than any other I’ve ever experienced.

El started dating Niall about 9 months ago when we had a party one night they both got drunk and kissed so it all started from there. Were still as close as ever and I know that she is proud of me and I’m proud of her, she’s been through a lot and most of her life she spent living with a girl who has depression it wasn’t easy and I’m just glad we got through it. I’m not supposed to tell anyone this only me, El and Niall know but El is 4 weeks pregnant, they want to wait until she’s 12 weeks before they tell anyone. I hope it’s a little girl so I can take her out shopping and the things every normal girl should experience. She will be the luckiest little girl alive, her uncles will be one direction, her aunties will be little mix and I know that both El and Niall will give her what she needs, Love, quality time and affection.

Zayn and Perrie are still together but they have an extra little one to look after now. Beau was born 5 weeks ago on the 20th November. He is the cutest little baby with Zayn’s black hair and Perrie’s sparkling blue eyes. He came round here the other day and he is just so tiny and perfect but he has grown loads since we saw them at the hospital. He was a tiny baby only 5lbs. Perrie’s figure was back to normal now, she never grew much anyways. He’ll soon have his little cousin to play with.

Liam is dating a girl called Lauren. She is naturally beautiful, freckles dotted around her slim face, gathered over her sharp cheek bones. She has green eyes with long dark brown hair, like the colour of dark chocolate. They came on holiday with us in July, and he is planning to propose to her on Valentine’s Day. 

Louis is going out with a model called Jayne. She has wavy brown hair with blue eyes. I think she works for Hollister and she’s still in a university near London taking a politics course. They were high school friends and Louis called her one day and they met for coffee. They’ve been dating since September.

Harry is single at the moment but he doesn’t need a girlfriend since his sister Gemma gave birth twins, one boy called Connor Eoghan (which is pronounced Owen, it’s the Irish version) and a little girl called Sinead Louise. They go to uncle Harry’s house all the time, since they’re only 10 months old they don’t understand why he’s famous, they don’t even know he is.

One Direction are still famous and are almost done with their Where We Are tour, which I still can’t quite believe. This past year has been great for us all in many different ways and I can’t wait for next year to come. I really hope I don’t cut ever again but I am not entirely sure obviously we no longer have pencil sharpeners or anything like that but we do have razors, something which I’m very used to using but up until today I’ve had no problems I’ve been fine and that’s the way I’m trying to keep it. If I ever feel like ever doing anything I go for a run, which is a very effective method. Most of the time Josh comes with me, provided he doesn’t need to work as work comes first, I’ve lost 4lbs so I’m rather happy considering my urges don’t happen very often, once a fortnight at the most. It was usually when I was on my period that I wanted to, I guess I am hormonal or something like that. I was rather happy I hadn’t had an urge in 6 weeks, thinking about it I hadn’t had a period either.

‘Diana, come help me’ Josh shouted from downstairs. We were babysitting my little cousins, they were 6 and 8. They were the cutest little children ever I loved seeing them.

‘Okay’ I shouted back running my hand through my hair which was now shorter and was just above waist height, I’d had it cut from my hips a few months ago to the middle of my bust and it had grown down quite fast. I guess I forgot to mention my hair was now a medium brown, it really suited me and I was thinking about keeping it this way. Even though having to go to the hair dressers to get it done is a pain.

I walked down the stairs through the living room, games room and dinning room in to the kitchen. On any other day I would be playing with little Amy and Robbie but not today, I had to take a test  and as soon as possible.

They looked so cute in there aprons and tiny chef’s hats, I had to take a photo.

‘Take a photo’ Josh moaned posing with Amy and Robbie.

‘I was going to’ I replied taking a few snaps before re-locking my phone.

‘Lets bake’ Robbie shouted

We spent the next 3 hours making, decorating and clearing away all the things, 24 decorated cakes lay on the cake stand taking centre place on the table. We had taken various photos one of me covered in flour since Josh threw a bag over me, luckily we had another. I hadn’t thought about the possibility I was pregnant till now, I was going to find out and soon.

‘I’m going to the loo, be down soon’ I shouted in the vague direction of the kitchen as I ran up the stairs and into the bathroom locking it behind me.

I took the test from my bathroom cabinet, Josh had one too his was filled with medicine, his tooth brush and other man things like that, mine was mostly make up and well pregnancy tests, they were only there as a precaution I never expected to need one. I sat on the edge of the bath after taking it. The test on the basin. My phone resting on my hands, to tell me when I could look at it. It beeped. I jumped so hard my phone fell out my hands and landed with a thud on the floor. I did bother to pick it up, I looked at the test.

2 red lines appeared.

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