The aftermath part one- Multiple povs

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(Danielle’s pov)

Where the hell was she, obviously I knew, the woods but why didn’t she come back? Where had she gone too was she in trouble? I needed to find her.

“El” I shouted

“What?” She replied groggily

“Diana’s still missing, she told me yesterday she was in the woods, I’m scared El, should we go and look?” I asked

“Oh god, right okay lets go” She panicked

“What about Josh?” I questioned

“He’s drunk still, we better go” I said


We arrived at the woods a short time later, thanks to El’s phone giving us directions. I couldn’t see anything but endless trees and plants that covered the floor.

El went left I went right, where the fuck was she. I’d grown up with a suicidal sister, I’d seen one of my best friends commit suicide, I didn’t want to lose Diana too. She might not think she’s worth anything, but to someone else, she’s there whole word, a world there not prepared to loose. 

I felt angry at myself, I hadn’t done enough and if she had tried to end it all, like my heart told me she had, I could never forgive myself.

I will never forget the day when Naomi died, her mom never recovered her father became depressed and an alcoholic, her brother killed himself too, her ex-boyfriend blamed himself, her boyfriend cuts to get rid of the memories of her, her sister became anorexic as did I, the whole of the school collapsed with out her. Josh needs her more than she realises and more than he is willing to tell, she can’t do this now, I wont let her.

“Danielle” I heard El shout

“What is it?” I screamed back running over towards her, I could see her very faintly, a little tiny dot in the distance, but as I ran she became bigger, as did the girl lying down next to her, blue fingers, bloody arms and a lifetime of pain.

“Oh my god” I cried

“What do I do Danielle, I can’t live with out her I cant okay, please Danielle” El sobbed

“Okay, errm I’ll call Josh, and then an ambulance, stay with me girl” I whispered

(Josh’s Pov)

My hangover had gone, my mind was still feeling a bit funny though.  Diana was out, well that was what I presumed since I hadn’t seen her since yesterday, I was about to call her when Danielle phone me.

“Hello?” I asked

“Josh, you need to get to the hospital right away” Danielle rushed

“What why?” I replied thinking over everyone who could possibly have been hurt

“Just get here as soon as you can okay” I replied ending the call.

(Danielles Pov)

The paramedics came running down the tiny pathway in the forest. They peeled my jacket off Diana’s blood covered arms and put her on a stretcher before taking her back to the ambulance.

They wrapped her in a thermal blanket and cleaned her arms and did other medical stuff. Before the driver, who I assumed was called Dave as that was what the black haired paramedic called him.

We arrived at the hospital a short time later, Diana was being wheeled through the Emergency room, when Josh came running in.

(Josh’s pov)

I arrived at the hospital a short time later, I ran into the emergency room, and saw Diana being carried on a stretcher. Danielle and El came running over.

What the fuck had happened to my beautiful girl, why was she there, who had done this to her.

“Josh, sit down” Danielle said

“Why, what happened, Danielle what’s happened to her Danielle?” I replied, why was she here, in hospital why, was she okay, I needed to know.

“Come on, I’ll get you some water” Danielle said taking me back over to the waiting room

I couldn’t just stand there and do nothing, I had to find her. I ran down the corridor and took a left, she wasn’t there it was just an empty corridor I turned left again and saw her through the window. She looked so beautiful lying there her long blonde hair fanned out over the doctors bench she was lying on, her blue eyes closed tight showing of her long black eyelashes. For a minuet I didn’t realise that she was in hospital, I didn’t realise that she could potentially be in serious danger, I just noticed how perfect she was. She was all I saw I mean yes okay I saw other too, but when she was looking at me all I saw was her, everything else was blurry, like she was my world and nothing else mattered.

I watched as they peeled off the thermal blanket wrapped around her slim shoulders, cutting off at her ankles. They discarded it and that was when I noticed her arms and legs covered in slits, my mind was full of questions, what the hell happened to my princess?

I could hear the doctors faintly through the door.

3,2,1 STAND CLEAR one of them shouted as another was carrying a clipboard.

What’s the cause of her injuries? We are not 100% certain but there is a high chance this was self-inflicted.

What had my Diana done?

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