Two years later- Diana's pov

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I heard a cry coming from the bed lying in the bedroom beside me. I yawned and rubbed my eyes, pulling the fitted tank top to meet the top of my pyjama shorts.

‘What is it baby girl?’ I whispered trying not to wake, a sleeping Josh. I swung her gently in my arms she settled down, her mouth slightly parted telling me she wanted feeding. I took her out a bottle and placed it in her lips, she sucked quickly until it was finish. I then proceeded to burp her and continued to rock her. I felt those oh so familiar muscular arms wrap around me from behind.

‘Did she wake up again tonight?’ Josh asked

‘Yeah’ I whispered in reply seeing her tiny blue eyes half closed.

‘She’s a year old, can’t she sleep the night?’ Josh whined

‘She usually does, you know that its only yesterday at today she did, I guess she wanted her bottle or something’ I replied

Since she was on one, she was on solid foods but had a bottle either when she woke up or in the night.


I woke up again, this time it was 7am. I checked on Alana she was sleeping still, she hadn’t woken up since about 5am when I had to feed her. She looked so beautiful lying down in her bed. Her name was engraved in the headboard. She had inherited my blue eyes and long eyelashes along with my cherry red lips. She’s got Josh’s light brown hair with slight curls. It had grown to just below her shoulders. I couldn’t believe she was mine. Her full name was Alana Zoe Devine. She was a month younger than El and Niall’s Daughter, Amalie. We were all sure they were going to grow up the best of friends, just like me and El did. She was coming round today, and we were all going shopping together. They were due at 10, while I had an hour I was going to have a nice relaxing bath. I went into our ensuite and took out of my lush bubble bars. CandyMountain. I crumbled it under the running tap and stepped in. I spent the next hour relaxing, being a mother was amazing but it was nice to have some time to myself for once. I heard Alana’s soft cry fill through the room. I jumped out the bath wrapping my towel around my chest.

‘I’ll get her’ I heard Josh shout from her bedroom.

I guess I could spend time on myself this morning. I tied my wet hair in a messy bun and wandered into Alana’s room.

‘Go get dressed I got her babe’ Josh shooed me away.

‘I was actually going to say good morning to you’ I replied

‘Well you can do that after’ He said kissing me before shooing me away.

I went to my dressing table next to my Ikea Alex draws which were amazing for holding makeup. I had been a lot more confidently recently. I had gotten better doing my make-up and I had a lot more so I could experiment. I took my mac foundation and applied all over my face setting with the Rimmel stay matte powder. I continued on finishing with a Barbie style lipstick that enhanced my eyes. I then started on my hair, I dried my hair with the hairdryer I’d gotten after El had broken mine accidently. I couldn’t be bothered to straighten it so I threw it up in a messy bun, which surprisingly turned out perfect. I just needed to get ready now. Josh and Alana came walking in.

‘Pretty mommy’ Alana said in her adorable tiny voice

‘Pretty Lani’ I replied scooping her up in my hands.

Lani was the nickname I’d given to her, I thought it was pretty and so did Josh.

I pointed to Josh and said ‘Look pretty daddy’

‘Pretty dada’ She repeated.

Josh took her of me and I got dressed, a crop top and black leggings. I got out my Marc B bag and filled it with everything I needed. I slipped on my shoes and if as on que the door bell rang. I took Lani so josh could get dressed it as 9.30. Me and El could have a coffee before we went.

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