The missing Piece.

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(Nolan's pov)

I waited in the delivery room, my girl was giving birth. I wasn't allowed in, because the first time Evie gave birth, I fainted when I was down the head end, Alana and our mother Diana were in the Delivery room with her.

My mother had struggled a lot when she first had me, she used to self-harm and had really bad depression and anxiety and when we were born, some of those things came back, she never self-harmed once we were born but she nearly did, I hate myself  cause I always felt like it was my fault, it was hard to think of her hurting herself she was always so happy and bubbly, I just hated it.

I could hear the sounds from Evie's room, I'd forgotten that sound, I didn't like it, it meant Evie was in pain and that was something I despised.

'Excuse me' the polite looking nurse looked up from her magazine

'How may I help you sir?' She asked with a nice smile

'My wife, she's in there' I pointed towards the room my wife my laying in. 'Is that normal, the amount of screaming' I asked

'I mean this in the nicest way possible sir but your wife is pushing a baby out of her who ha, she's not exactly on cloud nine right now' She readjusted her glasses

'Oh yeah, right, thanks' I slumped back down in my seat, the waiting room was grey and dismal, the only bit of colour coming from the red tie, I was wearing. I had been at work when Evie's boss called and said she was having the baby.

I nearly fainted, she was only 6 months along but according to the doctors the baby will be fine, it will just be smaller. None the less I was still so nervous for her. Our other daughter, Leigh-Anne, was with Josh who was also looking after Alana's 3 children, he loved playing with them, honestly it was like he was a kid again.

Then the waiting room fell silent.

'What's happened' I stood up in a panic.

A nurse came out, a big smile on her face.

'Mr Devine would you like to come and you your new son' She smiled

I had a son. I was a father to a beautiful baby boy. I felt so proud, even if I hadn't met him yet.

I took a deep breath. 'Okay' I breath out.

I entered the room, Evie was lying on the bed, her face red her long hair messily fanned out around the pillow. I smiled and she did the same back, our little family was complete. I couldn't have been prouder.

'There you go' The nurse brought the little bundle over and placed him in my arms, my mouth dropped open he was beautiful.

'Nolan, you'll catch flies' Evie smiled

I closed my mouth and grinned, before looking down at my beautiful son. He had jet black hair with my Bright blue eyes, his lips were such a deep red, he was tiny too.

'He's a tiny baby, you know you're lucky, if you'd gone full term I'd reckon he'd be 10 pounds not 4' One of the nurses said

'He's so tiny' I muttered

'Sure is' Evie beamed

'I'm so proud of you beautiful' I kissed the top of her head.

She flashed the smile that I'd never get tired of seeing. She looked so perfect, even after giving birth and not wearing any make up or spending hours on her hair.

'You thought of a name yet?' The nurse asked

'Yeah we have actually' Evie held my hand

'Yeah its Corey' I finished

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