In the club- Diana's pov

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The next few days were back to how they used to be when I wasn’t with Josh, I would sit on my laptop all day eat yogurt and then lock myself in the bathroom for at least an hour. El would come and try to make me talk about things but truth was I was upset at myself for letting myself get this low again. El had been there the first time I’d started cutting but she thought I’d stopped for good. Josh would come round every afternoon at which point I’d say I’m doing my college assessments. El would leave the house while Josh and I talked and watched the tv and or a film. He had brought Perrie and Sophia around a few times and they’d be talking about nails and the latest fashion, I just mumbled a yes and nodded my head every so often.

Currently Josh was talking to Niall who was in the kitchen making some lunch for us, while El was in her bedroom skyping her sister, who needless to say was a bit freaked out that Niall Horan was standing in her sisters’ kitchen. Perrie and Sophia where painting their Nails and I was drawing. Perrie was still good friends with Danielle and so were Niall and Josh, so after Sophia left she was coming around because apparently she couldn’t wait to meet me.

“Diana are you ok?”

“I’m fine Perrie”

“If you say so, listen why don’t you come out with me and Sophia tonight after Danielle’s been to see you?” Perrie asked

“I’m not sure Perrie” I whined

“Oh come on, it will be fun wont it Sophia” Perrie continued nudging Sophia who then looked up from painting her nails.

“Ummmmmm” I pondered

“Please we need to get to know you more all I know is that you’re addicted to your laptop”

“Fine Perrie I’ll go, what time?” I responded hoping it would shut her up

“We can pick you up at nine, is that ok?” Perrie asked

“Why would you pick me up?” I asked

“Because Danielle’s coming over!”

“I could always ask Danielle to come over tomorrow I mean there is no point going back to your house only to then have to come and pick me up again”

“I suppose but we have nothing to wear” Perrie said

“Well what size are you?” I asked

“I’m a 6 and Sophia’s an 8 why?” Perrie questioned

“I’m a 6 to 8 I probably have something you can wear!”

“REALLY?! THAT’S SO PERFECT!” Perrie squealed making Niall and Josh jump.

“What was that?” Josh questioned

“Sorry!” Perrie replied with an innocent smile

“I better can Danielle and tell her to come over tomorrow” I said getting of the sofa and entering Danielle’s number into my phone before pressing call.

“Hi Danielle”

“Hi Diana, are you ok?”

“Yes I’m fine but I was wondering whether you could come over tomorrow instead? We could go shopping if you wanted”

“Yep that’s fine why?”

“Perrie’s begging me to go out with her tonight I’m really sorry”

“it’s fine, I’ll see you tomorrow”



I put the phone away and sat back down before turning to face Perrie.

“Right what’s the time now?” Perrie asked me

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