Niall- Josh's Pov

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Diana could tell something was wrong, she could tell i wasn't myself. I dont know why i felt bad, i shouldn't, but i did. The pang of guilt growing, as fast as it began.

"Josh whats wrong?" Diana asked

"Erm Nothing" i said trying to sound convincing, i knew she would see through me 

"Mkay" she replied clearly not believing a word a just said

The concert had now finished, we'd sneaked out pretty easily, Diana had suggested we go back to hers and i didn't say no.

She'd told me that Elouise, her flat mate, was visiting family in Lancaster so we'd be home alone.

"So where we going?" 

"96 Torrin way"


"Josh can i ask you a question?"

"Yeh sure" I said feeling a bit nervous

"Why does Niall act so weird around me?"

I was trying to think of something to say that would sound convincing "He's just a bit shy, that's all babe"

"If you say so"

We got to the flat, Diana let me inside, It was quite big and roomy.

"Do ya want a drink"

"Yep, but just the one, i don't want to get drunk, especially when we have another show tomorrow!"


Diana went over to the kitchen pouring two glasses of wine before handing one to me.

"Thank you"

"Its fine, what ya wanna do?"

"Movie night?" I suggested

"Sure, you go pick a movie and ill make us some popcorn"

I went over to the TV stand tons and tons of DVD's stacked up on the shelf, there were the classics like Titanic, Saving private Ryan, Love actually, and then the were the Disney films like, The little mermaid, Snow white, sleeping beauty and finally the Horrors like Phsyco, The Shinning and Orphan. I loved Orphan it was the best horror film ever, and if Diana got scared it gave me the change to hold her.



"Can we watch-" i started to say



"I split the bloody hot sugar over my arm"

I ran over to her, getting cold water over her badly burned arm

"Why ya do that"

"I didn't mean to"

"Come on"


"You need to go to hospital"

"Why its only a little burn isn't it?"

"No, you've split boiling sugar all over you're arm, its not just a little burn babe"


I grabbed a bag of ice and put it over her pink arm, before taking her out to my car, heading for the hospital

"Are you ok babe?"

"I'm fine, it just hurts a bit" she said all though i could tell it was more than just a little bit.

We arrived at the hospital, Diana was clearly cold. The paparazzi had recognized my car, and were already hear, we covered our faces before running inside

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