The game- Diana's Pov

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“Diana, what are you doing in there?”

“Babe please come out”

“Are you ok?”

I could hear faint voices in my head. Josh. My body was getting weaker and weaker, I could feel it in my bones. 

I pulled myself of the blood splattered floor and managed to whisper “I’m fine”

“Diana, you sound terrible what’s happened?”

“I fainted, but I’m fine now”

That was partly true I guess I had clearly fainted, I just hadn’t gone into specifics

“Do you want me to come and help you?!”

“No, no I’ll be out now”

I panicked what was I going to do? There was blood covering my leggings, jumper and arm. I got up from the floor and took out 3 towels from the cupboard next to the bathroom. I placed the clothes on the toilet lid and slid out of my blood soaked clothes leaving me in my underwear, I put them in the bathtub turning on the water to try and get some of the blood out, drawing the shower curtain behind me. I took the towels and placed them on the floor making sure not a single drop of red was left behind. I placed my hand under the cold water cleansing the cuts to make sure they didn’t get infected although I couldn’t care less, I got a bandage out the cupboard under the sink and wrapped in round my arm securing it with a safety pin.

I unlocked the door, turning back around to examine myself in the mirror.

I was even more ashamed.

I was full of sin,

From the outside in.

I heard the door open and Josh came over to me, I quickly put my hand behind my back, but I wasn’t fooling anybody.

“Diana why is your wrist in a bandage?”                    

Shit! I had to think quickly he was looking like he knew something, like he knew the truth. I also didn’t like the fact josh had now seen me in my underpants, he would surely hate me now.

“When I fainted I hurt my wrist, so I put this bandage on to protect it”

“Are you ok?”

“Yes” Although I wasn’t, but I was never to tell him that, this wasn’t going to last forever. It was probably some part of bet between them or something.

“Well I have to say if you just fainted how come you’re in your underpants”

“I hurt my side when I fell as well as my wrist and wanted to make sure it was ok”

“Maybe we should take you to the hospital”

“No, I’m fine now honest”


“Well we might as well make the most of the fact you’re nearly naked”

“Come on I have an idea” Josh said taking my non bandaged hand and dragging me into my bedroom

“What are we doing?”

“Just a little game”

“And what would that game be?”

“Two truths one lie”

“You know we can play that when I’m not in my underwear”

“I know, but this game is a little different”


“If you guess wrongly, you have to take of one piece of clothing”

“That’s unfair I’m already practically naked” I whined

“Fine, go put on a t-shirt and some shorts and then we can play, deal?”


I turned around and opened up my wardrobe taking a cheap top and a pair of topshop shorts before slipping into them.

“You ready”


“Okay, let’s see. I can walk on my hands, I can play guitar and I grew up near Bournemouth.”
“The lie is, you can walk on your hands”

“Nope, the lie was I grew up near Bournemouth, I grew up in Bournemouth.”

“Dam you, Josh Devine” I said as I took of my top, using only one hand, leaving my harmed one at my side.

“You next”

“Erm, I was a national synchronized swimmer, I hate Ireland and I used to stick rulers between my two front teeth”

“That’s hard, I’m going to go with you were never a national synchronized swimmer”

“Nope, the lie was I hate Ireland!”

Josh took of his top, leaving me in full sight of his perfect abs.

“My turn! Okay I love South Africa, I never wear socks and I love Manchester united”

“You never wear socks?!”

“How did you guess that?”

“You’re wearing socks right now Josh!”

“Oh yeh, your turn!”

We continued playing the game until we were standing there in just our underwear. Josh looked like an Abercrombie and Fitch model where as I looked as a mouldy potato.  I heard the phone ring and ran in to the lounge.

“Where you going babe?”

“To answer the phone”

“Oh no you’re not”

“Wha-“ Josh ran into me picking me up and spinning me around before placing me down on the sofa, falling on top of me.

“You’re so pretty when you giggle”

I felt Josh slam his lips into mine. Sparks flew making me feel all tingly inside. I fell deeper into the couch Josh falling with me.


“What?” Josh said pulling back

“I need to breath you know!” I said giggling

“Sorry babe”

“Stop it!”

“Stop what?”

“Making me giggle, I’m acting like a 5 year old”

“My 5 year old”

A/N so this wasn’t supposed to be up today, but I’m nice like that! Please vote comment and follow me :D tell me what you think of this chapter and yes I know its quite small but I really just wanted to get it posted, also if the updates do become slow I’m really sorry, but I will try to get at least 3 chapters up a week! Love you all xx

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