20th December 2013- Diana's Pov

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Josh had dropped me of before going home himself, I had been alone for about an hour when El came back from one of her shopping trips. I had decided to deactivate my twitter, I started cutting again because of all the hate I got on there, for me to be a dancer I would have to stop, I was 3 days clean something which might seem like nothing to you but was a lot for me.

"You'll never guess what I heard today!" El said getting a bottle of water from the fridge.

"What did you hear?" I asked

"That you're moving to Wolverhampton and going to Dance school" she said

"Wait, who told that"

"Mr Iddon told the art class, Alex told me, how could you do that Diana?”

"I was going to tell you El, I was its just"

"It's just what?" she shouted

"I need to get away from here" I finished standing up from the sofa

"You need to get away from me you mean!" She replied placing her open bottle of water down with so much anger the water spilled over and onto the floor

"El I love you okay, you can always come visit you know that" I said clearing up the mess with a kitchen towel.

"You're moving in 7 days and you didn't tell me" she continued to scream

"I'm sorry" I whispered

"Why would you do this to me" she replied

"This place is full of memories, memories I wish to erase El, if I stay here I'll never forget them" I said in a whisper

"I'm sorry" El whispered back

"I love you El okay, I never meant to hurt you but"

"But nothing, you're going to move to Wolverhampton and I'm going to visit you every single week end, and that's a promise" She replied

"You better stick to it"

"How many days till you go?"


"We better get you packed then, hadn't we?"


"Diana" El said in her, 'since you're moving away and I'm going to be all alone' voice

"Yes El" I said turning round to face El who currently was holding up my favourite dress and using her best I love you face

"You know you love me" she said

"No El that's favourite dress and I've already given you 3, along with 7 pairs of shoes" I replied chucking a long sleeved jumper in to the box, appropriately labelled with 'jumpers and other shit'

"Okay" she said throwing into the box labelled with clothes

We spent the next 3 hours packing up most of my room, into various sized boxes. El had put on Christmas music and lit a few of her favourite candles, I really hoped she visited, I couldn't bear the thought of not seeing her everyday, not being envious of the many beautiful things she brought home each month.

"I'll miss you"

"I'll miss you too, but you won't need to I'll practically live at your house on weekends and holidays!" El laughed

"You better had" I replied


The days past by slowly but fast lay at the same time, today was the 20th moving day. El had helped me pack up the rest of my things, me as Josh decided to keep his electricals since El had brought most of the ones here and I didn't want to her to have to get new ones. Josh had told the boys and they were happy, well apart from Niall who wanted to know whether he could still use our fridge. My mother didn’t particularly care, neither did my father, but I didn’t mind they were both useless.

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