50 years today- Diana's pov

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I am 50 today. What? the children were grown up, both married and Alana had a little girl called Loren. I couldnt believe i was 50, i am so old. we live in sydney now, the children still in melbourne, they came over last night becuase were having a party. We moved because the children were independent we didn't want to suffocate them, and Sydney was a pretty amazing city.

Nolan was now an accountant for a big firm, Atlantic Publishings, I think he was a big deal anyway I knew that. He was now, 24 and had caramel coloured hair with blonde bits shinning through, his eyes were sea green. His wife was called Evie and had long blonde hair which was always up either in a high pony tail or in a messy bun, she was 25 and worked in a bakery, she made the best cakes around. She had also made my birthday cake, I didn't know what it was, it was in Her's and Nolan's room, opposite Lani's, Loren and Lani's Husband Mike. We lived in a 10 bedroomed home since, we needed a room for ourselves, one for Nolan and his entourage, One for Lani and her entourage a spare one just in case, one for Niall and his family, one for Zayn and his family, one for Liam and his family, one for Harry and his family, one for Louis and his family and one for family friends. We often had the children over maybe every other month, and around 3 times a year the whole family would fly in on various occasions. 

Alana was my baby girl, always would be but lately i'd noticed changes in her, she was hiding something and she would be stupid if she didn't think I knew that, I was her mother. I needed to her to tell me, but she wouldn't because she'd developed my trait, never telling anyone anything. I needed to speak to Nolan and Evie.

'Nolan Evie' I shouted from the garden, where I was sitting comfortably at the large out door table, they parasol shading me from the boiling heat.

'What is it mother?' Nolan had been washing up in the kitchen, a slightly damp drying towel was scrunched up in his left hand, a soapy plate in the other. Evie was setting the table and had come out with a handful of knives pointed at me, accidental I hope.

'Evie darling, be careful you're holding sharp knives, at least put them down first' I laughed taking the knives away from her, placing them beside my open  book on the table.

'Sorry Diana, I'm just trying to make sure everything's perfect for your party, Josh is at the airport right now picking up everyone, its all happening so far' Evie had begun to get herself in a flap

'Here you are darling, calm down and let me help, please?' I handed Evie a glass of coke from the tray next to me.

'Oh thank you, and no you most  certainly not help its your birthday Diana' She replied after taking a long gulp of her drink

'If you insist' I joked

'Mom, why did you just call us out here?' Nolan asked

'Sit' I instructed 'You to Evie' They both sat down

'What is it, you're not dying are you?' Nolan asked

'No, I most certainly am not Nolan Josh Devine thank you very much' I hit him with my book

'So what is it?' Evie asked

'something's wrong with Lani, don't try and deny it, its fact something is on her mind and its clear one of you know what it is'

Nolan and Evie shared a worried glance and Nolan bit his lip.

'Tell me, I will get it out of you I promise you that, Evie isn't my daughter but I treat her and look at her like one and you are my son, you must tell me'

'She's pregnant' Evie whispered

'Well that's wonderful news im sure Loren wants another brother or sister, why wouldn't she tell me, you'd tell me right if you were pregnant?' I asked Evie

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