The Mop- Danielle's Pov

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(Josh’s pov)

I stared at the phone, my feelings numb. She wanted to try to go into Dance school, and Danielle was helping her? I knew she liked dancing but I didn’t think she wanted to do it as a profession. She would move away and we could never be together, why didn’t she talk to me about it?

“Who is it?” Diana asked

“Danielle” I replied placing the phone in the palm of her hand, leaving the room.

(Diana’s pov)

What was in the text, why was he mad at me? I asked myself silently, my head hurting from running over unhappy thoughts.

I unlocked my phone and read the full message. “Hi Diana, are you ok? Did you do the butterfly thing? Talk to me if you want, and have you filled in the application for Dance school yet? Danielle x

Now I knew why, I hadn’t talked to Josh about going to Dance school, I wasn’t sure I was going to apply anyways, Josh meant more to me than any dance could.

“Josh” I shouted

“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked

“I was going to but I’m not even sure, if I want to go to dance school.”  I replied truthfully, and anyways I wasn’t pretty enough to be a dancer, Danielle was probably trying to just be nice.

“You should go” Josh whispered a mix of hurt and sadness in hit sea blue eyes.

“I should what?” I questioned

“I you want to go so you should.” Josh repeated

“But what if I don’t?” I replied

“But you do” He said

“I’m not Josh, I’m not sure” I said my mind running over thoughts.

“Where would the dance school be?”  He questioned

“Wolverhampton” I replied biting my lip, like I always did when I was nervous

“Then we’ll move to Wolverhampton” Josh said, something scaring me in his voice.

“Josh, I can’t ask you to do that” I replied

“You don’t have too” He said

“But what-“ Josh cut me off

“But nothing, you can quit college and move in with me okay and when you do dance competitions, I’ll be sitting in the front row” Josh said

“I love you so much” I whispered

“I love you more”


“I’m not ready to do this” I said to Josh.

A week had passed since the text incident, I’d told Danielle and was going to tell El tonight,  I was about to go to college, even though it was my holiday the other students were still there, to tell them I wouldn’t be able to go anymore.

I had done the butterfly project, and it had worked well I’d resisted the urge to cut, more times than I had. But I decided if I was going to go to Dance School, I would need to make sure I did Josh and El proud, I felt guilty every time I looked in his eyes, knowing what I was doing and not telling him. The storm had since passed but he’s still stayed at mine. Danielle and Perrie came to see us, I told them then and they were really happy, but in all honesty I wasn’t I was just confused.

“You want me to come with you?” Josh asked standing by the door

“No, it’s just-“ I paused

“What?” Josh questioned

“Nothing, come on lets go” I said

Pulling on my beanie over my messy blonde hair, and we walked out to Josh’s car, since I didn’t have one and all.

“Let’s go” Josh said, starting up the engine.

We were moving on the 20th December, Josh had picked out a house for us to live in and I’d told him I was going to get an afternoon job somewhere, to earn some money for the bills and food. He said I didn’t need to, but I wanted to I couldn’t live off him, I wasn’t a gold digger. 

Josh drove to my college, since it was about 1ish not a lot of people were about and so the roads were fairly clear.

“Right, come on” Josh said getting out the car

We walked into reception, one of the male receptionists was sitting at his desk, holding an old torn book, with yellow wrinkly pages to match the man’s own old aged appearance.

“Hello Elouise, Is this your brother Kian?” He asked looking up from the book, the title said ‘Gardening for Dummies’, He re adjusted his glasses to the top of his nose and placed his elbows on the large oak desk.

“Hello, Mr Lawson I’m Diana, you used to teach me, and no this not my brother” I replied

“Hi I’m Josh” Josh said

“Ah Diana, why are you here it’s your Christmas break isn’t it?” He asked taking a sip of his cup of tea.

“Yes it is but can I speak to Mrs Tudor Please” I said

“Of course, hold on a moment I’ll go get her” He replied getting up of his desk chair and heading into the back office.

“You ok?” Josh asked putting his arm around me.

“Yep” I lied, truth was I wasn’t. I didn’t want to move away from El and everyone else I wanted to stay here with Josh, I also wished twitter didn’t exist, all the hate was unbelievable and it wasn’t as if I had done anything to them but then I guessed that they just loved Josh too much, I mean I would of hated to see one of my favourite celebrities get a girlfriend.

“Here we are” Mr Iddon said coming back carrying a mop.

“Sir, that’s a mop” I said

“Oh, erm I must just be a bit confused” He said stuttering

Mrs Tudor came wondering through the doors, tripping over her skirt as she did so.

“Mrs Tudor, Diana wants to talk to you” Mr Iddon said while drawing on his apple.

“Diana what are you doing it, you’re on holiday!” She said handing a pile of papers to Mr Iddon.

“I won’t be returning next term” I muttered

“Why? You still have a year left of your course!” She replied

“I’m moving to Wolverhampton” I said still talking quietly.

“Oh how lovely, well if you’re not returning then good luck and goodbye, we’ll sort out the papers for you” She said

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