I love you... Diana's pov

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I paused, not knowing what to say was I that easy to read? If I was then how come Josh or Perrie or Sophia hadn’t said anything, not that I wanted them too, I didn’t want anyone to know, no one at all but it was too late for that.

I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out.

“I got it right didn’t I?” Danielle Whispered

“I’m sorry Danielle” I muttered

“Why? Diana?” Danielle asked still speaking quietly

“It started when I was in secondary school, I was always picked on and most of the teachers called me worthless and stupid, home wasn’t any better since my parents were always fighting and never spent any time with me and then the voices took over.” I began to say, I didn’t know why though, I’d only ever talked to Danielle on the phone, never face to face she could be horrible for all I knew, although she didn’t look or sound horrible.

“The voices?” Danielle questioned

“At first they told me to dig my nail into my skin, then they told me to punch myself and then they told me to pick up the blade, I was 13 I didn’t know what I was doing it seemed normal, and cutting made me feel alive, it was my alternative to committing suicide.

“Diana, come with me” Danielle said, abandoning our drinks and going out through the front entrance of Starbucks to the town square, I followed her.

“Were are we going?” I asked

“You’ll see” She replied, walking into one of the main shopping centres, some people started taking photos of her, why wouldn’t they she’s a world famous dancer, she’s actually worth something.

She carried on walking until we got to Lush.

“Danielle what are you doing here?” Someone who looked much like Danielle called out, stepping down from the counter.

“Sarah, this is Diana, Diana this is my sister Sarah” Danielle replied, why had she brought me here?

“You’re dating Josh aren’t you?” Sarah said

“Something like that, yeh” I replied

“Sarah, get back to work” Someone, who I presume might be her manager shouted from across the crowded shop.

“I’m going on my break” She replied

“Let’s go get something to eat” Danielle said

“I’ve just been to Starbucks” I responded

“For a drink, not for lunch” Danielle said


“Chicken salad please”  I said to the woman at the counter, she had long blonde hair like mine, only hers seemed to shine the way mine didn’t.

She handed me my food and I joined, Danielle and Sarah at one of the tables.

“Danielle told me” Sarah started. I knew Danielle was trying to help me, but I didn’t want anyone to know, if Danielle had told Sarah, then Sarah would tell one of her friends, who would tell her friend and so on.

“Diana, every time you want to cut, draw a butterfly on your wrist, name it after a loved one, you can’t cut until the butterfly has faded away, if you do it will die, if you have more than one butterfly and you cut, they all die, you’re not allowed to scrub the butterfly off.” She finished

“That’s not going to work” I replied twirling my fork around the bowl of salad.

“Try it” She replied


“Did you have fun?” Josh asked me

“Yes, it was good” I replied putting my bags down and hanging my coat on the hook behind my bedroom door.

“What did you buy?” Josh asked

“Some make up, some shoes, cushions, candles, some clothes and a few photo frames” I replied

“Danielle told me, you’d got some photo frames, so I had these printed” Josh said, handing me a packet of photos.

I opened the envelope and took them out, holding them carefully at the corners.

Photos of me and El on our first day of college, Me Sophia and Perrie before we went out to that club with Josh, Zayn and Liam. Me and Josh on the first day we met. Me, Josh and One Direction, Me, Josh and 5SOS. I continued to look through the photos, they were all so perfect.

“I love them but I can’t put them all in the photo frames I got though” I replied

“Yes, you can me and El got you ones to put in the Lounge, the ones you brought can go in your bedroom” Josh said handing me three multi-photo frames.

“Thank you” I responded


We had put the pictures in the frames and hung them up, I’d put the frame I got for El in my bedroom, under my bed so I didn’t accidently open that.

“They look good” Josh whispered coming closer to me.

“Almost as good as you” I replied.

His lips touched mine, his hand around the back of my neck, mine wrapped around his waist, I pulled back, our foreheads still touching, our eyes locked on one another’s.

“Josh” I whispered

“I love you Diana” Josh said

“I love you too”

A/N sorry, it took so long to update but i've been really busy, i'll try to update again today to make up for it. ~Corky

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