Chapter 4

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 Why did they want to talk to me? they're in a famous boyband, I was a suicidal, cutting teenager, with nothing to live for, and yet they wanted to talk to me, i'd given them my number, but i knew they wouldn't call, I couldn't let myself think they would, whenever i trusted someone they always gave up on me, or maybe they didn't give up on me, I just gave up on myself, how can you expect anyone to love you if you cant even love yourself, thats what my mother always said.

"DIANA!" My mother shouted from the kitchen

"What is it now mom?" I replied with a roll of my eyes, entering the room.

"Do the washing up, I need to go out." She said going out the door, and into the elevator.

It was mine and El's flat, we always did the washing up, yet mother always seemed to think it was her. Dishes didn't wash themselves as she seemed to think, there wasn't a fairy godmother who did them by magic, unless i counted as a fairy godmother, which I most certainly didn't.

Since El was out I couldn’t persuade her to do them for me. She was doing some Christmas shopping, although it was only September she was seriously organized when it came to that sort of stuff. I would do it, like the last week of December, but she plans everything way ahead of schedual.

I sighed, every time I thought she may actually be caring for me, all she wants me to do is clean, I really was like Cinderella apart from the fact i would never get a happy ending. Fairy tales weren’t real, that’s what she always said anyways, and you had to be pretty to have the fairy tail ending, i was just an average girl with no self- asteem.

 I pulled on the rubber gloves, we kept underneath the skin in the cupboard, before turning on the boiling water. I threw the pans into the bowl and started scrubbing, this was basically torture for me, but oh well i put on the Take Me Home Cd and started dancing, something I loved.I was half way through washing up when I heard my phone ring, I pulled off the gloves and dryed my hands on the towel on the back of the dining table. It was an unknown number, but i answered anyway, I felt bad if i didn't, I only ever ignored it, if i knew it was someone I had a strong unpleasant feeling for eachother (Hate's too much of a strong word) or someone trying to sell me something

"Hello?" I answered

 "Diana?" I heard a voice say, it sounded familiar i just couldn't put my finger on it.

 "Excuse me who is this?" I replied still not able to tell who it was.

 "It’s Liam" He paused for a moment. "You didn't actually think we'd forget you would you?" He finished

 "Well, yeh I did actually." I replied truthfully, was this a joke, was Liam payne really calling me? If i was a prank I would make sure they went to hell.

 "Well we didn't and were wondering, well Niall mostly were wondering if you wanted to go to Nandos tonight sometime." Liam said 'Its his favourtie' He added

 "Erm, Is this a joke?" I said, it wouldn’t be the first time it had happened.

 "No it is not. How about we meet there in an hour?" Liam said I could hear voices in the background 'Wait is that our CD in the background?' He asked

'Yeah, I like it' I tried to sound casual

'Well, we'll see you at Nando's in an hour then' He retorted

 "Sure!" I responded, trying to contain my excitement.

 "Ok, see you then. Bye Diana” Liam said

 "Bye Liam" I replied

I put my phone down on the table, and screamed I was going to see one direction tonight, not as a date but still it was something, all though there was still doubt in my mind, there always was.

I looked at the clock on the oven door, it was 8.26pm, I ran across the hall and into my bedroom, I flung open my wardrobe trying to decide what to wear, I eventually choose a long sleeved black lace dress and black heels to match. I put them on my bed before going to wash my face. I applied mascara to my eyes and put some blush on the apples of my cheeks before applying a thin layer of Vaseline to my lips.

 I got dressed at put on a few spirits of perfume before grabbing £35 from my savings, checking the time 9.10pm, time to leave. I ran down the stairs, throwing my leather jacket that El had got me after she went to New York with her brother.

The brisk September air making me pull the sleeves down past my blue-tinged hands.  As I walked up to Nandos I was feeling nervous all of sudden, what if this was just a joke? What if they really didn't like me?  What if i screwed up? I saw the boys sitting there by the window laughing and smiling, through the clear glass window.  I walked through the doors and over to the table were everyone was sitting.

"Hi" Liam said in the same happy voice as before.

"Oh hey, come sit down" Louis said pulling out a chair for me

"Thanks Louis" I replied sitting down in the red padded chair, it was rather warm, and a tad uncomfortable.

"Call me Lou" He responded with a smile

"Ok thanks Lou" I said my hands shaking with nerves.

I couldn't believe it, i was sitting next to Louis Tomlinson, from one direction, but when something goes right, something has to go wrong, doesn’t it? It has too, cause my name is Diana-Rose Cameron and I'm the worlds biggest fuck up.

A/N How do you like this chapter then? I never want this fanfic to end i love you guys all of you! xoxo ~Corky

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