Dance- Diana's Pov

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He stumbled to his feet, blood dripping from his nose the whole club was now looking at  me and Josh.

“What the fuck” He shouted

“Lesson learned?” Josh asked

“What lesson?” The guy responded

“To leave my girlfriend alone” Josh replied

“She really isn’t worth it” The guy told Josh

“What did you just say?” Josh said

“Leave it Josh, let’s just go home” I pleaded with Josh

“I’m not going to let him say stuff like that about you” Josh told me

“Josh leave it please, he really isn’t worth it.”

“Fine, but only if I can do this” Josh said turning to face me

“Do what?” I questioned

“This” Josh replied wrapping his muscular arms around my waist kissing me full on, his lips touching mine sending sparks through my body, making me weak at the knees.

The guy had left and Josh pulled back from me, Liam, Zayn, Perrie and Sophia were standing behind us, Perrie was on her phone, Sophia was taking a sip from a multi-coloured cocktail, Liam was doing dome sort of weird dance and Zayn was looking at us.

“You ok Josh?” Zayn asked

“I’m fine it’s just-“Josh said finishing mid-sentence

“Just what?” Zayn questioned

“Nothing can we go” Josh asked

“Yeh sure” Zayn said taking out his phone and calling for a taxi.

Sophia finished her drink and we all walked outside the cold air hitting me Goosebumps covering my legs and arms.

Josh slid his arm around my waist and lent against the red brick wall.

“When’s the taxi coming Zayn?” Perrie asked

“Now babe” Zayn replied

“You know, I’ve got 3 double blow up beds you could always stay at mine tonight, if you wanted” I said

“Are you sure Diana?” Sophia asked

“Yeh, El is always having Party’s so we’ve got loads of spare beds and quilts” I replied

“We might as well Liam” Sophia said to Liam

“Yeh course babe” Liam replied

“Perrie, Zayn you can come over too if you want to” I said

“Are you sure I mean you already have Liam and Sophia sleeping over” Perrie asked

“It’s fine Perrie honestly” I said

“Mkay if you’re sure” She replied

The taxi pulled up and we all climbed inside, the warm air removing the many goosebumps from my arms and legs. Josh pulled me closer to him, my head resting on his toned tummy.

“Where to?” The taxi driver asked us

I gave him the address to  my flat, and continued to lay on  Josh.

“I’ll get the taxi” Zayn said

“No it’s fine I’ll get it mate” Josh said

“No, honestly I’ll get it” Zayn responded

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