The Game- Josh's Pov

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I got up from the sofa, needing to pee. I ran down the hall and came to a halt outside. Wasn’t Diana supposed to be in there? Wasn’t she supposed to be something with her hair?


“Diana, what are you doing in there?”

“Babe please come out”

“Are you ok?”

I couldn’t hear anything, I tried the door, nothing happened. I heard her get up, hearing water falling to the floor and she whispers “I’m fine”

“Diana, you sound terrible what’s happened?” I said knowing full well that’s she was not.

“I fainted, but I’m fine now”

It was clearly a lie, she sounded like shit.

“Do you want me to come and help you?!”

“No, no I’ll be out now”

I was waiting for a good amount of time, while she did what she had to do. But I was sure she hadn’t just fainted, I didn’t know why but I just felt like she was hiding something from me. I hear the door click open and become slightly ajar. I pushed the door open, Diana was standing there in her underwear in front of the mirror. She threw her hand behind her back, when she noticed I’d walked in.

 “Diana why is your wrist in a bandage?”               

She seemed like she was thinking, thinking of a cover up story.

 “When I fainted I hurt my wrist, so I put this bandage on to protect it”

“Are you ok?” I said not convinced


 “Well I have to say if you just fainted how come you’re in your underpants”

“I hurt my side when I fell as well as my wrist and wanted to make sure it was ok”

“Maybe we should take you to the hospital” I said, if she’d fainted and hurt herself maybe we should get it check out

“No, I’m fine now honest” Diana said giving me a slight smile

“Promise?” I said

“Promise” Diana whispered

“Well we might as well make the most of the fact you’re nearly naked” I said with a smirk


“Come on I have an idea” I grabbed her non-bandaged hand and dragged her down the hall and into her bedroom.

“What are we doing?”

“Just a little game”

“And what would that game be?”

“Two truths one lie”

“You know we can play that when I’m not in my underwear”

“I know, but this game is a little different”


“If you guess wrongly, you have to take of one piece of clothing”

“That’s unfair I’m already practically naked” Diana whined

“Fine, go put on a t-shirt and some shorts and then we can play, deal?”


She turned around putting on a top and shorts, I have to say I liked it better when she was in her underwear

 “You ready”


“Okay, let’s see. I can walk on my hands, I can play guitar and I grew up near Bournemouth.”

“The lie is, you can walk on your hands”

“Nope, the lie was I grew up near Bournemouth, I grew up in Bournemouth.”

“Dam you, Josh Devine She said taking of her top.

 “You next”

“Erm, I was a national synchronized swimmer, I hate Ireland and I used to stick rulers between my two front teeth”

“That’s hard, I’m going to go with you were never a national synchronized swimmer”

“Nope, the lie was I hate Ireland!”

I took of my top, throwing it on the floor biting my lip.

“My turn! Okay I love South Africa, I never wear socks and I love Manchester united”

“You never wear socks?!”

“How did you guess that?”

“You’re wearing socks right now Josh!”

“Oh yeh, your turn!” I said feeling a bit stupid

We played on until we both standing there just in our underwear, I heard a ring and Diana ran out the room

 “Where you going babe?” I asked running after her.

“To answer the phone”

“Oh no you’re not”

“Wha-“ I ran into the lounge and picked Diana  up spinning her around before placing her down on the sofa, falling on top of her.

“You’re so pretty when you giggle”I said

I kissed her, her perfectly soft cherry flavoured lips, falling deeper into the couch. Kissing her was all I ever wanted to do.


“What?” I said climbing of her

“I need to breath you know!” she said giggling again making my mouth turn up a little

“Sorry babe” I said.

“Stop it!”

“Stop what?” I said giggling.

“Making me giggle, I’m acting like a 5 year old”

“My 5 year old”

A/N Okay guys so this chapter is practically the same just with Josh’s pov instead, i will post a photo to go with the chapter in a bit x Please vote comment and follow me :D love you guys Corky x

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