My Final Goodbye.

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Hello J

So I wanted to say a few things but they would be too much of a big author’s note at the end of the final chapter. (I don’t like saying that) so I decided to put them here,

Firstly, in my own opinion Saving Diana, isn’t my best FanFiction and is written fairly poorly, but I shall let you make up your own mind as to whether you agree with that statement or not; so because of this, I am putting it under a hell of a lot of editing, I have only edited up to chapter five because of how long it takes me to edit one chapter-usually around two and a half hours- which is a long time to be sat in one place, looking through five/six pages of writing for any mistakes, so I usually edit when I’m on the train or as I am doing now, Aeroplane. But since I take the train four times a week and I’m usually with someone, it’s not always possible no matter how hard I try but I am going to try edit three chapters a week or more, if I can so I can get this made perfect for all of you.

Secondly, Thank you to all of you guys who leave cute comments on chapters I love you! Honestly you have no idea how much they make me smile; so if you commented on any chapter then you’re perfect and I love you.

Thirdly, thank you to all of those who have voted, because it makes me feel like you enjoy what I’m writing and it gives me more motivation to write more. Also to the people who voted on every single chapter :O is all I can say!

Fourthly, thank you to all the people who have messaged me on Wattpad & Twitter & Ask.Fm & Instagram & Tumblr. (How you found out my is beyond me because I hadn’t gone on it for 8 months and when I did all the questions were about my fics ha ha!) I love getting messages from you guys, cause it makes me feel love, Ha ha soppy moment!

Fifthly, thank you to all the people who have read from cover to cover because I in my own opinion thought the ending was pretty bad as was the beginning and the middle was meh. But yup, it makes me so happy when I see the reads going up and up and up.

Sixthly, if you would like me to read your fic I would be more than happy too, as long as it’s either to do with 1D or 5sos. Sorry but if you want me to read an elounor fic, I won’t because I don’t ship them, I respect them and would never hate on her I just don’t ship her and Louis, because I ship Larry (Please don’t hate me L)

Seventhly, If you need a cover making for any story, (1D, 5sos, Larry, All the other ships, or any other story of any kind) then message me and I can make you one!

Eighthly, (This is a really long list now, I must stop) If you like reading Larry stories then I have made two Larry fic’s that you can read, go on my profile and they’re there!

Barely Breathing-

My first fanction on Wattpad, so it is not the greatest but it’s Larry so yup you should go read that.


The fanfiction/book I love writing the most,  the first few chapters aren’t great alright but I’m editing them so they are, but it’s got a lot of major plot twists in and the first one is in the second chapter, definitely go read that.

Ninthly, I have mad other stories is well, my personal favourite is You & I (1D song name there, woo!) But I love 1095 days of fate because the plot is something I don’t think has been done before ever so yes.

Tenthly, and finally lastly, A MAJOR BLOCK CAPITAL THANK YOU! For everything you guys have done/said. I love you all and I’m sad it’s all over.

Love you, Courteney  (~Corky) (Which I found out is a nickname for Alcoholics called Charles so I’m not too happy with that)

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