7. t h a t g r e e n g e n t l e m e n

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After that experience, I guess I better tell you about the party Brendon is taking me to. It's a 'two months into the school year and I'm already tired' party that nobody ever told me about because I was a complete loser up until I started dating Brendon. All his friends knew, and that's why they started leaving me alone.

I asked if Breezy could come, and Brendon said that Patrick would be there because recently him and Pete started hanging out. (Patrick is still with Andy by the way.) I'm shocked, but it seemed like a thing anyone would do.

But yeah, we're on our way to the party. Brendon is driving and I'm in the passenger seat. His friend Josh and his friend Tyler are in the back.

"So, is Debby coming?" Brendon asked Josh. She's one of the more extroverted people in our school. She's smart but plays dumb, she's pretty but thinks opposite, and she has a lot of friends. I'm more than sure that her and Josh are together.

"Yeah, her and Meagan." Josh looked out the window. The sun was setting already.

"No!" Tyler gasped, scaring me.

"Pete is going to be so mad." Brendon stated.

"What happened?"

"Meagan cheated on Pete with- you know Joe, Joe Trohman? Yeah well they were hanging around each other and I guess things got a bit frisky." Brendon mentioned something like this.

"Oh." I guess that's why Pete came to school on Tuesday with bruised knuckles and Joe with a black eye. You just gotta put two and two together.

So far, you've met:

That's a lot.

We arrive at the party in a nice house, but immediately I know that the party is gonna be downstairs. Sketchy, but also, Brendon told me.

I see Pete drinking some sort of mix in his solo cup, only catching the last of his conversation, "I never said I missed her when everybody kissed her, okay?"

"Pete, it's been three days. Stop trying to be poetic." He is standing with Patrick.

I wave and he approaches me, excitedly.

"Hey." I said.

"Pete told me you'd be here!" He pushed his drink into my hands. "Try it. It's coke and rum."

It tastes bitter, but wouldnt all alcohol? "Is Andy gonna be here?" I ask before I take another sip of this bitter drink.

"Um, yeah he's supposed to be here soon- do you want me to get you one?!" He laughs, taking the empty solo cup from my hands.

Suddenly I'm taken by the hand and led downstairs by Brendon. He kisses my cheek and leaves me by myself, getting lost into the crowd of people from my classes.

The basement is huge. From left to right there are couches, a set for a band on a little stage, and then a ping pong table they seem to be using as beer pong.

I slowly make my way towards the ping pong table, seeing a familiar face.

"Hey, Dallon." Tyler smiled. He sighed, "You've been here 10 minutes and you already got a drink?" I handed him the cup and he fountained it.

"Patrick made it. Good, right?"

He nodded, "I gotta go find him, this is sick!"

"Oh, please don't leave me. You're kinda the only person I talk to down here besides Brendon and I can't seem to find him anywhere..."

"Oh, sure. But you owe me one of those!" We walk towards the wall where no one is standing.

"Here, take mine." To which he did without hesitation.

Music is playing. Some sort of Justin Bieber song that everyone seems to be jamming to right now. Lots of little conversations while they move along to the beat, trying to be as sexy as they could.

I now know that if I am ever asked to go to a party I will probably decline it. Standing with a crowd of people I don't know while everyone is trying to get drunk and lucky just isn't my kind of thing.

I'd decline it, unless it's Brendon asking. I hate how I would do anything for him just like that. But sometimes, I don't hate it.

Tyler tells me he needs to get more of that drink Patrick made and I tell him it's fine. Brendon, still nowhere in sight.

Making friends shouldn't be that hard, right? Good, because it's too late to turn back from walking toward the beer pong table. I watch and after 5 minutes someone hands me a plastic ball.

One shot. In.
Another shot. In.
The next shot? In.

A group of people high five me and hand the ball to me, which I get in. Again.

I stop after a few more rounds. They get bummed out that I'm leaving but then carry on like nothing happened.

Still not knowing where any of my friends are, I check out the stage and the instruments, then sit down on the couch. People were starting to pick up the instruments and a girl with bright orange hair stands at the mic, confidently.

She's familiar. Only in one of my classes. Her name is Hayley and she's friends with everyone.

"Hey! There you are." Patrick plops next me, a different drink in hand.

"How long have we been here?" I ask. A bored tone dances a long those words.

Patrick pulls out his phone and clicks the button. "About an hour. Why, what's up?" He leans his head on my shoulder, or at least attempts to make it to my shoulder.

"I know nobody here."

He laughs. "Everyone in here is in at least one of your classes. Lighten up!"

And then he rambles on about something that I'm not paying attention to. Something about the music playing and how Hayley and her band is going to be playing a few songs. I guess I am paying attention.

"Guess who's here." Brendon came out of nowhere. The one time I'm not looking for him he just pops up. Oh yeah, and next to him is Andy.

He's short and being as athletic as he is, his butt is just like right there. He's wearing a black t shirt and jeans, really what everyone here is wearing.

I expect Patrick to immediately be happy but they're in a place crowded with people who probably wouldn't care. Considering me and Brendon are open to anyone who asks.

The band mentioned not too long ago started to play a song that got everybody moving. Moving enough for Patrick and Andy to leave together and for Brendon to wonder off where ever he was going. Leaving me, alone again.

This is the worst. Party. Ever.

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