32. g o o d g r i e f

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"My winter break was great." Says the tan Tyler, who obviously went somewhere tropical just for the occasion. "The water there was so amazingly blue, it looked unrealistic."

"Wow, that must have been some trip." I say, waiting for him to talk more.

"It was, honestly. If you ever get a chance to go to Costa Rica, then do it! It's beautiful." He smiled and looked forward, seeing all the pale teens in the hallway.

"So you had a good Christmas?" I asked, just trying my best to make him talk more so I don't have to.

"Yeah, I did! What about you? Did you get anything cool from Santa?"

I tried to think of the best gift I got. I didn't get much because I'm an only child, that isn't even a child anymore. "I got a ukulele."

"Really? What kind?" His eager eyes widened.

"Kala." Simple enough answer.

"Oh sick! I have one of those!"

"They're beautiful ukuleles, aren't they?"

"They really are." He smiled, probably thinking about his ukulele. "Well, Dallon, I'll see you at lunch?" I nodded and we departed, heading to our own classes. I felt so tired, I never usually run on a lack of sleep at school.

I'm really just happy that they started school on a Wednesday, and not a Monday. That meant there were only two more days until Friday, I felt blessed.

"Who else remembers that time Brendon Urie told off a teacher?" Some kid yelled out loud. Brendon's head shot up and his smile faded.

"Don't you mean our typical weekday?" Another kid said.

"Brendon is always rude to the teacher." A girl whispered at one of them.

Josh stood up, getting his game face on. I tried not to pay attention to this. I really did. "Mind your own business and shut the hell up."

Some kids 'oooo'ed and some kids scoffed. "So now he needs his best friend to stick up for him?"

"That's enough, you're all going to be adults in a year, why hate each other now?" The teacher whined. I laughed, he always tried to be funny and somehow it always worked on me.

I looked at Breezy and we started to work again. The fact that that conversation even started just boggles my mind. Those kids were trying to start a fight, even I saw that.

A long two blocks and I made it to lunch. It was the usual people sitting there, talking about their Christmas break, but someone was missing.

"What did you get for Christmas?" Was a common question going around the table.

Josh Dun got nice new clothes and new records.
Brendon Urie got a card with a lot of money in it from his grandma.
Dan Pawlovich got a drum set.
Pete Wentz received one of those really good headphones and a stereo.
Tyler Joseph got a trip to Costa Rica.

"What did you get Dallon?" Josh asked and within .5 seconds everyone was looking at me.


"He got a kala ukulele!" Tyler spat out. Sometimes, Tyler can be really helpful.

"You play the ukulele?" Pete asked, growing a surprised look on his face. "You're so tall, seeing you play a small instrument is oddly amusing."

I nodded.

"Are you good?" Josh asked.

I shrugged. "Breezy and my parents are the only ones who've heard me play."

"Wow, you have to play for us one-"

In a blink of an eye, Brendon Urie was standing up and leaving. "That was rude." Dan said.

Then it hit me. Sarah wasn't here.

sorry for the late updates I kinda forgot about this one lol

im gonna try to finish this up soon it's been a while


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