Tomo x Reader (Dadaroma)

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Tomo x Reader (Dadroma)

(Y/N) P.O.V

I was laying down in my bed looking at the ceiling. It was 2 p.m., and I was getting bored. Tomo is supposed to be home by 3. The car ride back should take 30 minutes, so he should be here by 3:30. I decided to check my phone because of boredom.

I wrote one of my books, posted on instagram, and scanned through tumblr. Tumblr always keeps me busy for a while, so when I decided to check the time it was 3:15. Tomo should be here by 3:30, or 3:45 depends on traffic.

I got out of my comfy bed to get me snack. I grabbed an apple out the fridge, and poured me a cup of strawberry lemonade because its the best. I went, and laid back in my bed, slowly sinking into the mattress. I didn't want to leave, but I heard the door open.

"(Y/N)!! I'm finally home." I heard him yell out to me. I hopped out of bed, and ran to the living room where he was. I jumped on him, and began to plant kisses on his face.

"Missed me much?" Tomo said to me. I kept kissing him, until he stopped me, and decided to kiss me back.

We kissed for a while. I missed him so much, even though he was only gone since morning. We broke the kiss, and he put me down on the couch. He reached for something in his bag, and pulled out some makeup.

"Umm... What's this for?" I asked him. I was trying to figure out why he had makeup. I know he wears makeup for his concerts, photoshoots, and music videos, but this isn't the makeup he uses.

"This is for you. I want to play with the makeup, and put it on you for fun."Tomo gave me a toothily grin. Okay, now he really sounds like a kid.

" you want to do my makeup for fun?" I asked him, tilting my head to the side like a confused puppy.

"Yes...I want to do something creepy. I never see you wear makeup at all, so for fun, I will do something really creepy, and do a mini photoshoot." He said with enthusiasm in his voice. He must really want to do this.

"Okay, go for it!" I sad giving him full support with his crazy idea

"Yayy!" He ran out of the room to get the rest of his makeup. He came back out with different makeup brushes, black body paint, and eyeliner.

"Okay..Lets make your face look dead." He told me.

"Umm..okay." I responded back to him.

"Don't worry, it adds to the creepy effect. I trust him though.

Tomo's P.O.V

I put some foundation on her face first. The lightest one I can find to be exact. Then, I began to do her eyeliner. I made the line big, and winged it out. I did that for both of her eyes, and took a black liquid eyeshadow to put on her eyelids. I took the same black, and put it under eyes. Before I finish her eyes, I ran to the bathroom to get some water.

"What are you doing?" (Y/N) asked me from the living room. I filled the up with water, and went back into the room.

"I need to get this to add to the effect. I used the water for the bottom of her eyes to make the liquid eyeshadow run a little bit. Then, I contoured her face with a dark grey, and put black lipsticks on her lips. I made fake scars on her face using 3rd degree, and makeup.

I gave her a mirror to look, and her eyes widened really big.

"I look dead, and creepy. The fake scars look so real though." She kept staring into the mirror amazed.

"Do you like it?" I asked her, trying to get her attention.

"I wouldn't wear it out, but I like it." She giggled. I ran into the room, and grabbed the black, distressed dress out the room, and the ripped tights.

"Here try this on." I spoke to her, giving her the clothes.

"You are going full out on this Tomo." She told me before walking into the room to get dressed.

She walked out, and I had my camera ready to take pictures.

"Tomo, Is this really for fun?" She asked me giggling.

"Yes, It is. Now c'mon." I laughed, and grabbed her wrist. I took her into the room that had red walls, and a chair, with a creepy looking teddy bear on it. The teddy bear had cotton coming out of it, and red ink spots on it. It also had buttons for eyes, but one popped out, and the other was missing.

"Sit in the chair my love." I led her to the chair, and she grabbed the bear from the chair. She sat down in it, and looked up at me.

"Keep your face like that." I told her, and snapped a picture. I told her to make a face where she looks like a sadistic, and she did a good job.

I went into the closet, (my prop room) and grabbed a fake knife. I handed it to her, and told her to act like she is pulling cotton form the teddy bear with the knife. I snapped a few pictures, and handed her needle, and thread. She must've knew what I was gonna say because she was fake sewing the bear.

We did this for about 30 minutes, then we were done. She washed the makeup off, and took her clothes off.

"I'm going in the shower." She told me, and went to the bathroom in our room. I grabbed my laptop, and started putting the pictures on there. I edited them, and choose the 3 I like best. Time must go by fast because after I edited them she was done.

She laid down in bed with me, and I was typing out an article. She tried to peek, but I caught her, and turned my computer.

"What are doing?" She looked at me with those yes of hers, and I looked back at her, and smirked.

"Well..Work stuff, that you will find out about tomorrow." I told her. She rolled over n bed, and she was out before I could say good night. I finished the article, and closed my laptop to sleep.



Same routine. Waiting for my husband to get home from band practice. Being bored, and scrolling through tumblr. Same old stuff. I get up to get an apple, and I hear the door unlock.  I see Tomo walk in the kitchen, and he kisses me on the lips.

"Look what I did." He says, and hands me the article. I'm on the front cover!

"Wait..How?" I asked him looking through the magazine.

"Well, I had to write about the best person in my life, and I choose you. Also, you landed modeling jobs too." He told me. I was so happy. I loved to model, but just never couldn't and a job.

"I love you so much." I told him, and jumped into his arms. I kissed him for a while. It was passionate, and I didn't want it to end. We broke the kiss after 5 minutes, and looked back at me.

"I love you too (Y/N). Nothing will stop me from loving you either." He spoke to me, and smiled.

A/N: Yayy ^_^ I did something different, and took a different path with this. I'm so proud of myself *laughs* I hope you guys enjoy it, as much as I did writing it. I'm not good with makeup, so I hope I did okay on trying to visualize how someone would do their makeup creepy like *laughs*

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~Till we meet again~

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