Lune X Reader (Grimoire)

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Lune X Reader (Grimoire)

*They've already known each other btw*

(Y/N)'S P.O.V

"I swear every single time !" I yelled out in my room. Being a gamer is all fun and games, until your battling someone and they use the same move over, and over again. It gets really annoying. I just want to punch the person on the other side of the television screen, but I can't touch them physically.

I huffed, and threw myself back in the chair. "Alright, I'll win this time !" With determination running through my body, I picked my character from the character selection. I ended up choosing Kitana, since she's my favorite character in the Mortal Kombat series. The person I was battling online decided to choose Raiden. That's his second time choosing this character.

After pressing start, the battle had begun. I was using complexes combos, and also some simple ones. However, this dude decided to use the same kicking motion, over and over again. I was getting so frustrated that I ended up doing the same thing to him. Since he wants to be like that, I can be like that too. However, he ended up using x-ray on me, and finishing me off.

"I'VE HAD IT!" I threw the controller against the wall, knocking a hole straight through. The controller ended up in my neighbor's wall. Ooh~ Not good. I ran over to the wall, and there I saw my neighbor, undressing in his room. I held back my scream, and looked away from the hole.

I saw him naked ! I saw my neighbor naked ! Oh god, Oh god ! I took in a deep breath, and let it out. He does look pretty good naked, I have to admit that. But that isn't the point. I invaded his privacy. Before I could come up with a way to make this less awkward, my neighbor started yelling through the wall.

"Hey, who did this !" I peeked my head out from the side, revealing my face. "Um.  .I did. B-but-"

"Oh, It's my pretty neighbor. Didn't mean to yell at you. Come on over, and we can discuss this issue." Well then, he seems pretty nice. At least he didn't yell at me, and told me to pay for the expenses. I mean, I would. I did knock a hole through the wall. A pretty big hole too.

I tried not to dread on the issue to much, since he wanted me to come over. I slipped on my grey hoodies, and put on some sandals before going next door to his house. His door was already open, awaiting for my arrival. Of course, I knocked on the door. "It's me," I announced myself, before walking into his house.

I slipped off my sandals at the front door, and closed the door softly. I walked through the hallway, and saw him sitting on his couch with some coffee in his hand. "Hey, have a seat," he said. He patted the seat next to him, and I sat down next to him. He immediately pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arm around my neck.

My cheeks blushed a bright red. Wow, he's cuter up close. I'm not sure how to feel about him being so close to me, and touching me. I need to speak, so It's not awkward. "Um . .You see about the wall-"

"Don't worry about it, I'll cover for the damages."

"B-But, I made the hole in the wall." He only laughed, and pulled me even closer. "No worries, I know what's it like to get frustrated at a game. Also, I couldn't let a beautiful girl spend all that money to fix a simple mistake."

"Y-you think I'm b-beautiful?"

"Yeah of course. I admire your beauty in the mornings. I see you leave your house for work, and I always want to say something to you, but you always seem in such a rush, I never want to bother you," he cheeks blushed a bright red. Mine's did too.

"I didn't know you liked me like that," I blushed a bright pink. He turned my head to face his, and he kissed my cheek. Making me blush even more. "I hope you don't mind me doing that. I've been wanting to do that forever." I smiled at him. "No, It's okay. Your a cute guy, so it's fine." He blushed, looking down at his table.

"How about I take you on a date?" I looked at him with a big, bright eyes. "Really, I'd love that a lot," I responded with lots of happiness in my voice. He giggled at my gesture. "Great, but let's just stay like this. I like holding you."

"Okay Lune."


A/N: Yeah, I'm tired, but I needed to give you guys an update :)

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