Meto X Reader (Mejibray)

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Meto X Reader

(Y/N) P.O.V


Only kid in class who doesn't have a prom date yet. I don't mind not having a date, its just because I don't have a ate, I will stand out. I will be the only girl, sitting at the table who isn't out on the dance floor dancing with her partner. I don't even have a friend to go with. Prom is supposed to be the best days of your high school years, but for me it won't

It's too late to back out now. I paid for my tickets, and already brought a dress. My mother spent her hard earned money on getting me the dress I wanted for prom. She also spent money on a hairdresser, and my prom tickets, so I have no choice but to go.

I walk into my last class of the day, and there he is. The boy I like. He usually has a different hairstyle every month, and sometimes he likes to wear wigs, and dresses. He is shy, and carries around a cute teddy bear. He is also very quiet, and sits in the back of the classroom on the opposite side of me. His name is Meto

I go to my assigned seat, and starred out the window. This class is usually a boring class. I only like music, and photography class. Music class is where I can express words, and feelings through a piano. I like to play when nobody is around. It helps me be able o focus on the music, and not focus on the person watching.

Class ends, and I get up, grab my bag, and leave. Before I leave though, I notice Meto sitting there. Today he had on a blue wig in 2 ponytails, and a white, and black polka dot dress on. I love femboys so much. He kind of reminds me of a doll. Meto was sitting there starring into space, but he saw me look at him. He gave me a big smile, and I ran out of the classroom. My heart beating faster then ever.


It was the end of the day, and I had afterschool stuff to work on. I have to be the person who makes sure that the lights, and photo booth is set up properly for the prom. Since I'm a senior, and also the president. I won't be on duty that night, so I have to make sure the 1st, and 2nd years know exactly what they are doing.

I walk to my locker, and open it. I through all my book in there, and take out a binder full of prom preps, and training guides for the 3 students, who will be on duty on prom. I close my locker, and start heading towards our gymnasium. I see Meto again. He was wearing a bear costume today. He looked like his teddy bear today.

It felt like we were walking forever before I even gotten close to him. I had my camera, and binder my hand. Before he waked passed me, he gave me another smile. A bigger smile then yesterday. This made my heart flutter in delight, so I blushed at his smile. I heard him giggle a little behind me. I tried to keep it off my mind, so I can focus on training these kids in here.


I was playing my piano in my room. As I was playing, I thought of Meto. His smile, his giggle, his outfits, his hair, his makeup, his eyes, they were all scattered into my mind. I started singing a tune. I wasn't playing any song in particular, but I started singing a song I wrote.

Once I finished, I heard my mm call me from downstairs. I'm not going to school today, since we are going out to buy some jewelry for me, and to get my nails done. I'm also not going to school tomorrow, since I have to get my hair done, but since I'm not going, it made me sad that I couldn't see Meto. I tried to get him out my mind, and walked downstairs to meet my mom outside.

When we got to the nail shop, I decided on getting my nails painted black. I wanted my nails to be medium length, and I wanted them to be pointed at the top. The ladies at the shop were really nice, and gentle with my nails. They also painted my toes for free. It was the special they were having for kids going to prom. I got my toes pained gold.

Once me, and my got to the mall, we went into a gothic jewelry store. They had a bunch of cute jewelry there. I ended up getting a black, lack chocker, that had a red jewel on it. It looked like something they would wear back in Victorian times. I also got black ring with a pretty diamond on it. Lastly, I got an ankle bracelet, and a regular bracelet. It was gold, and didn't have any design on it.

Once I got home, I hoped back onto my piano, and started playing a few songs. I played about 5 songs before I wrote another song. This song was about Meto. I didn't intended it to be, but once I read over the lyrics, I knew I was talking about him. Once I finished the song though, I went straight into my bed.


Right now, I was at the hairdresser getting my hair done. The hairdresser was really nice, and she tried to have a conversation with me, but every question she asked me was about prom.

"Do you have a date to prom?" She asked.

"No." She stopped talking, and continued my hair for me. I really wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone right now.

Once she had finished, I stood up, and looked in the mirror. She had the hair into 2 French braids, and had black, and gold flowers running through it. She also put glitter on the part that went down the middle. My mother paid her the money, and we went home.

I played my piano for a bit, before I actually got into my dress. My dress had 2 layers to it. Once layer was like silk, and the other layer was lace. It was a black strapless dress was long, and covered my feet. It was longer in the back, then in the front. I matched it with all the jewelry my mother brought, and I did my makeup. Just a simple makeup, with false eyelashes, and red lipstick.

I walked down the stairs, and my mom looked like she was going to cry. She went towards me, and hugged the life out of me.

"My baby is growing up so fast." My mom was crying. I smiled, and hugged her back. She took out her camera, and started taking pictures of me. We took about 15 before my mom decided to drive me up to school.

Once we arrive, she opens the door for me, and I step out. I wasn't expecting people to look at me, but they were. I could hear some people saying things like 'The nerd dressed up.' 'She doesn't even have a date.' 'her mom took her?' But I ignored them, and walked into the gymnasium, as my mom drove off.

I stayed in the gym for a bit, but I got bored of just sitting around, so I left the gym, and went into the music room. There was a grand piano, just wanting to be played right now. I walked towards it, and sat down on the bench.

I lightly press my fingers onto the piano, and began playing a tune. I was playing the tune I played at my house when I wrote that one song about Meto. I started to hum the song as I continued to play, but then I didn't even realize I was signing.

I was signing with all my power. Hitting high notes, and just playing my piano. I was enjoying myself. I would choose to do this over a prom any day. I just continued to sing, and sing, until the song was over. I caught my breath trying to calm down, but then I heard clapping. I turn around, and there he is.

"Meto?" I said softly. He was dressed in a black, and white suit. He looked nice. He still had in those circle lenses, and had his makeup done how it usually is. He even kept the green color in his hair. He started walking towards me, and I just couldn't move at all.

Once he reached me, he grabbed my hand, and kissed the top of it. He helped me up out my seat, and pulled me in for a kiss. I never kissed anyone before, so I just wrapped my arms around his neck, and let him do everything. Once he pulled away he spoke.

"Be my date to the dance (Y/N)" He looked at me in the eyes, and I can tell he was being serious.

"Of course Meto."


A/N: I was being lazy with this, only because I'm working on chapter 8 to 'The Demented Circus', so I was trying to update this book for you all. I might write another Meto X Reader because I love Meto too much!

~Till we meet again~

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