Daichi X Reader (Nocturnal bloodlust)

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Daichi X Reader

Daichi's P.O.V

I've been out of her life for years. 5 years to be exact. We were a couple in high school, but she left for college.

"I will be back...for us."

Her words make me cry every time I think about them. I saved myself for 'her'. I hope she's done the same for me. I joined a band, waiting for her to come back. 'Man I miss her touch.' She was supposed to be back last year, but I'm not sure what happened. 'Maybe she's lost.' I need to find her again, and reunite myself with her.

For her first year in college, we were talking to each other everyday, but soon those every days turned into every week, and then every month, and later...'never'. They were killing her with school work. She was so busy she had no time for me.

"I'm so busy, I will call you tomorrow."

Tears started coming down my face. 'Tomorrow never happened.' I always asked myself why she never called me after a year of not calling me, so on her second year of college, I called her.

"I'm sorry, but the number you are calling is not in service at this time. Goodbye."

Her phone wasn't working anymore. She either couldn't pay the phone bill, or she got a new phone number, and lost all her contacts. After hearing those words, I stayed in my bed for weeks at a time. Masa would call my phone when I didn't show up for practice.

"Dude, are you okay? You know she will come for you when the time is right."


He would usually try to carry on a conversation with me, but I would hang up telling him I had stuff to do. I never really had anything to do. I would lay in my bed, and think about the times we had with each other. We started dating on our last year of junior high, and we kept our relationship strong through the troubles of high school.

I got up from my bed today, for the first time this week, and decided on taking a walk outside. It was sunny, and warm outside, so maybe the weather would bring me out of this, and help me forget for about an hour. I didn't have practice today, since Natsu had some business going on, and Hiro is in America for about a week.

I put on a long grey sweater, with my black pants, and some black shoes. I grabbed my keys, and locked my apartment door. Walking outside felt nice. I feel relieved for actually leaving the house. I decided to stop by (Y/N)'s favorite café, since I go there every time I leave my house.

I walk in, and I'm greeted by everyone in there. The manager, and I were close, since (Y/N) was her niece. I waved hey to the employees, until I walked up to the counter. I was getting ready to order, until I saw the manager. She smiled at me, and motioned for me to go in the back. I walked through the door, and we met face to face.

"Daichi, I have some good news. But I also have bad news." She never really has bad news to tell me, so I was worried about what it was.

"What's the news?" I asked her.

"Well, the good news is (Y/N) is in town. She graduated about 6 months ago, and she was searching all over for you, until she saw you were in a band. She came to me asking me if I had seen you. I told her 'yes' but she also told me that you might have forgotten about her since the fame. So, she comes in here everyday, hoping to see you. She doesn't look to well either."

I was in complete shock at the words I just heard. 'She has been looking for me? She think I forgotten.' I felt a tear come down my face. 'I never forgot. If anything, I was depressed thinking 'you' forgot'

"I never forgot. Where is she? Please tell me!" I can feel more tears coming down my face as I talk. I don't think I control myself much longer. I saw her aunt pointed to a corner. There was a girl sitting at the booth, her knees to her chest. She had on a really, really long black hoodie, and shorts that are barley visible. The hoodies was covering her hair, and face.

I walked out from the back, and went toward her. I tapped her on the shoulder, and she looked up at me. Her eyes widen in shock, and tears start streaming down her face. It was 'her' all long. She lunged her self at me, causing us to fall down. I was holding her close to me, both crying as we were reunited.

"I missed you (Y/N). You never left my mind once." I said. Her face was buried in my chest. I heard her sniffling, and her mumbling words. I lifted her face to look up at me. I was still holding her as close as possible.

"I missed you too. I missed everything about you. I thought you had forgotten me, after I heard about your success in a band. I turned off my phone, and I finished my schooling, and I came back in town. I was depressed thinking I could never see you again. I promise I won't leave this time. I promise." She moved her face closer to mine, and kissed me.

I kissed back, of course. I mad sure this kiss was filled with passion, and love. My love that burns for her everyday. How much I loved her. How much I missed her. I made sure this kissed proved all of that. After slowly backing away. I picked her up bridal style.

"(Y/N). Do you have a place to stay?" I asked her.

"I stay with my aunt. I couldn't find a job in graphic design." She looked down at the ground as I had her in my arms.

"It's okay. You will stay with me. I will help you find a job in that industry. You can usually do it at home, so you can go on tours with me, and tag along with me for my practices. I will not let you go this time. Promise you will stay?" I told her, waking out of the store with her in my arms.

"I promise Daichi."


A/N: Very dramatic. I know. But it was a request, and usually when I get a request, I am quick about writing it. ^_^ I hope you guys enjoyed this story. I poured my heart into it, and it took me maybe 3 hours, including breaks to write this. I might update again today, I'm not sure yet.

~Till we meet again~

J-Rock X Reader: Book of One-Shots ( Requests on hold )Where stories live. Discover now