Mao X Reader (SID)

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Mao P.O.V

Today is a special day. Not for me though. It's my girlfriend (Y/N)'s special day. It's her birthday today. I've been thinking about what to get her for a birthday. I wanted to make it extra special for her, so she will never forget this birthday. It's also her first birthday with me. We've only been together for 7 months, so that is why I need to make this extra special for her.

I want to make her a nice cake. Her friends wanted to take her out to dinner, so I let them at least do that for her. On the other hand, I could make her cake, and buy her gifts. She said she doesn't want me to spend a bunch of money on her, but she's worth. I should at least go to the store first, and buy supplies to make a cake.

I grabbed my jacket and car keys, before heading out of the door. I need a recipe to follow, so the cake doesn't turn into a disaster. I got into my car, and pulled out my phone to search for a recipe. I found a simple, easy recipe for a vanilla cake. It looked pretty simple, so I think I could actually do it.

I went into the store, and grabbed all of my ingredients. I grabbed more than enough, just in case I messed up. The lady at the register looked at my items very weirdly. It's none of her business what I need all this stuff for. I paid for my stuff, and walked out the door very quickly. I wanted to hurry, and drop off all this stuff. I needed to go visit a couple of places.

I arrived home, and hid all of the groceries on top of the fridge. My girlfriend is pretty short, so she can't see form up there. Speaking of (Y/N), she walked out of her room. She had on one of those face mask things, and her pajamas.

"Hello baby." I greeted her in the living room. She sat down on the couch, and I sat down next to her. "Hi babe." She smiled at me. "So, when are your friend picking you up?" I asked her. "In a few hours," she replied. I nodded my head in response.

I stood up, and went back into the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of wine, and poured us two glasses of wine. I went back into the living room, and gave her glass. "What's this Mao?" She looked at the glass, and smelled it. "It's wine. It's a way to start off your special day. Happy birthday baby." I kissed her on the lips, and we both took a sip of our glasses.

"Thank you baby. I appreciate small efforts like this." She smiled. She looked over at the time, and stood up. "Babe, I need to take this mask off and finish getting ready. I will see you in a bit." She went back into our room shutting the door. I have about an hour to go out, and at least get her some flowers.

I grabbed my keys, and left the house. I got into my car, and drove to the nearest flower shop. I wanted to get her a bouquet of red, and white roses. Red for romance, and white for pure. I want to give them to her, before she leaves with her friends, so I hope the florist can take my order, and finish it fast.

I entered the florist shop, and placed my order. It would only take 15 minutes, so while I was at it, I went over to the nearest candy store. She likes sour candy, so I grabbed as much sour candy as possible. Paying for it at the register, before heading back to the flower store to pay for the flowers.

I walked back into the florist shop, paying for the flowers and giving the nice flourist a tip. She was able to get everything done in a good time frame, so I paid her extra.

I went back to the house, and opened the door to our room. I had the flowers in my hand, and the candy. (Y/N) was putting her dress on, until she noticed the flowers, and candy. She put the dress back onto the bed, and ran over to hug me.

"Babe, you didn't have to do this for me," (Y/N) said. I smiled, and hugged her back. "I did have to do this for you. It's your special day," I responded. We pulled away from the hug, and she took the flowers and candy. She put the flowers in a vase with water.

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