Mah X Reader (SiM)

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Mah X Reader (SiM)

*Authors note- Guys I live for this band. Some people say Mah isn't attractive, but I  have googly eyes for him, so I'm going to write about him. Anyways, enjoy the story*

(Y/N) P.O.V

I was on my way back home from band practice. We all worked so hard today that all I wanted to do was just lay down in my bed and watch some 'Beavis and butthead' before going to bed. Just the thought of laying in my comfy bed, watching that show just sounded like heaven to me.

I was driving down a one lane street when all of a sudden I saw a duck with her ducklings crossing the street. I slammed down on breaks, and allowed them to cross the street. They were so adorable, the thought of running them over would've killed me. However, horns were honking, and people were yelling at me thought their car windows. But I didn't care. I was not goin to hit a duckling.

Mah's P.O.V

After band practice was over, I hopped in my car and started to drive home. I just wanted to make me some green tea, and watch some horror movies all night, since I don't have to go to the studio the next day. I can also sleep in tomorrow, which sounds really relaxing to me at the moment.

As I was driving down a one lane street, I saw a duck and ducklings crossing the street. I stopped my car allowing them to go. Luckily on the other side of the street, the person in their car stopped too, allowing them to go. But we both had trouble coming our way. People were getting angry that we stopped in the middle of the street to let the harmless creatures cross street.

(Y/N) P.O.V

Then all of a sudden, a cop car shows up. He jumps in front of me, and gets out of his car. Luckily, he didn't hit any of the ducklings. He got out of his car, and tapped on my window. I opened the window, and looked at him. "Is there a problem officer?" I asked. "Ah, yes there is. I see your holding up traffic. So, I'm going to have to arrest you."

"For fucking what? I wasn't going to hit the duck. The hell is wrong with you." He seemed angry at my remark, so he opened my car door and dragged me out of the car. He slammed my body to the ground like I was some criminal, and handcuffed me. He picked me up off the ground, and threw me into the back of his cop car. "Next time watch your language young lady," he said to me in a harsh tone. "Watch your authority officer. Throwing a lady to the ground is disrespect," I spat back at him. He ignored me this time, and slammed the door shut. He went t go deal with the person who did the same thing as me on the other side of the street.

Mah's P.O.V

I saw the officer throw the beautiful women to the ground. He pissed me off with that. She was such a small woman, and there is just throwing her down onto the ground like she was some ragdoll. I unbuckled my seatbelt, and got out of my car. He threw her into the cop car, and I started to make my way towards the officer. "Sir, please step back into the vehicle," he spoke to me. However, I didn't.

"Look officer, there must be some misunderstanding. There was no reason for you to be so rough with her like that. She just wanted to help out the duck." The cop raised an eyebrow at me. "Oh yeah? Well son, this is my town and I do what I want. both you and her broke the law. Therefore, I deal with it. So now your under arrest." I looked at the guy like he was crazy.

"Over a fucking incident like this your crazy man." I turned around, and allowed him to handcuff me, not wanting to cause any more trouble. He took me to his car, and threw me in the back seat on the other side of the girl. The cop closed the door, and began to deal with the towing company about our cars.

Our eyes locked, and we both just looked at each other. It wasn't awkward though. It was like. . . love at first sight She was so pretty, it was breathtaking. Both of us getting arrested must've been some sort of sign.

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