Haru X Reader (Scapegoat)

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(Y/N) P.O.V

Walking the streets alone at night isn't a good idea. Especially the area I am in. This is vampire feeding grounds. If you walk in their territory at a certain time of the night, you may end up being their next meal. That's something I don't want. But I have no choice. I have to walk down this street to get back home. I should've listened to my best friend when she told me to leave a little earlier in the day, but I don't listen. I never do.

It's so dark outside right now. There is only one street light on through this whole block. It makes it hard to see where your going, which makes you the perfect target for a vampire. My hands started to shake the more I walked down the street. I was scared, but I knew I couldn't act like I was scared. They would find me easier, since they can smell fear.

I heard a noise down an ally way up ahead. I didn't want to continue walking, but I had no choice. My house is just past that alleyway, and I will be safe I just run past it, right? I took a deep breathed in, and prepared myself to run. I shook off all the fear, and started to run.

The wind was blowing past me the faster I started to run. My eyes were barely opened because the wind was blowing in my eyes. I was trying not to think about anything. I was just running. Running for my life. I thought everything was going to be safe, until I felt myself be tackled down onto the ground. I didn't want to black out, but I just couldn't see, everything was becoming....dark.

Haru's P.O.V

I started to drag my victim down the alleyway. I tackled her pretty hard, so she must be passed out. There is also no struggle going on, so that's another sign of her being sleep.

I sat her down into my feeding territory, and let out my fangs. I lifted her chin with my index finger, and was getting ready to take a bite into her neck, but I stopped myself. I looked at her face a little closer, and I realized something. She's beautiful. Not just beautiful, but gorgeous. She smelled good too. She didn't smell of perfume, but it was more like her natural scent.

I couldn't go through with killing this girl. If I killed her, the world would never be able to see her beauty. I couldn't let that happen. I went into her backpack to see if I could find an I.D with her address on it. I wanted to take her home, and not leave her here in this area.

I found her I.D in her backpack. Her name was (Y/N). She lived not to far up the street, so It wouldn't take me long to get her home safely. I picked her up, and started to walk to her house. Good thing it was close by. If other vampires saw what I was doing, I would be considered a dishonor to our race. I already break a lot of rules, no need to break the biggest one of all.

Her house door was locked, so I checked her backpack for keys. Luckily, I found them. I unlocked the door to her house, and walked in. I hope she doesn't mind me walking in with my shoes on. I put her down on the couch, and went to look for a blanket. I grabbed the small, throw blanket that was in her room, and took it to her out in the living room.

I was about to walk out the door, until I heard her make a noise. I turned my head around, and I saw her slowly sitting up. My legs didn't move out the door, instead they stayed in their place. I waited for her to realize what was going on, before I try to talk to her. Maybe at least let her understand where she's at.

"W-Who are y-you?" It felt like her eyes where looking through my soul. I didn't want to tell her I was going to be the vampire that eats her, but I changed my mind because of her looks.

"Umm...y-you see-"

"Wait, I don't remember coming home. I remember walking through vampire territory, and being attacked. Are y-you a v-vampire?" She asked me. I didn't want to lie to her in her face, so I just told her the truth.

"...yes." Her eyes widened in horror. She jumped up on her couch, and started to scream. I ran over to the couch, and picked her up. I put her on my shoulders, and patted her back to calm her down.

"Please don't scream. I'm not here to hurt you. Let me explain." Her breathing slowed down to a normal pace, and she stopped swinging her legs and arms. I went into her room, and put her down onto her bed. I sat down right beside her. She looked at me, which I assume is the signal to explain myself.

"Alright, I was hungry vampire looking for my dinner. I smelled something really pleasant, which was you. I went after you without looking at your face. I was just going to sneak up on you, but then you began to run. I ended up tackling you down a little too hard. I went to bite you, but then I saw your face. You were just too beautiful, so I took you home instead." She sat up, and tilted her head to the side.

"You think I'm pretty?" She asked. I nodded my head. "Yea, your gorgeous. If it wasn't forbidden, I would love to be your boyfriend. Vampire, and human relationships are forbidden though." I saw her smirk, and she pulled me into a hug.

"Vampires can blend into society very easily, so who has to know?" I never actually thought like that. Only she has to know my true self. I can blend in with the rest of the world, and be with the girl of my dreams. But it's also very risky. I drink blood to live. I can eat human food, but it can only surpass my appetite for a bit.

"Well, it's too risky. I live off of blood. Human food could only keep me from not being hungry for a bit. I don't want to put you in danger." She pulled back from the hug, and looked at me. She jumped off the bed very quickly, and went into the kitchen. I followed her into the kitchen. She pulled out a knife, and quickly cut into her chest.

"What are you doing ? " I went over to the side of the kitchen where she was. I pulled her close to me, resisting the urge to drink her blood.

"I did this for you. Drink some. Just don't drain my body of blood," she spoke softly to me. I put my tongue where the cut was, and licked it off. Her blood tasted so good, I couldn't resist but to have some more. My fangs came out, and I bit into her skin. I started to suck some of her blood out of her body.

She started to make a moaning noise. It sounded like she was enjoying this. I continued to drink her blood, until I was full enough. I didn't want to suck all the blood out of her, or I can kill her. We don't want that to happen. I pulled back, and my fangs went back up into my gums. She was panting, and she smiled at me.

"Umm...by the way, what's your name?" She asked me.

"I'm Haru." I responded back, and she smiled.

"Well Haru, I'm (Y/N). I can get used to letting you drink my blood." She winked at me before standing up.

"I can too (Y/N). I can too."


A/N: Another request complete. I might update again today, depending on how I feel. I hope you enjoy this, since I tried to do something a little bit different than what I normally do.

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