Misery X Reader (Megaromania)Pt.2

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Misery X Reader (Megaromania) Pt. 2

Misery's P.O.V

I invited (Y/N) over to my place this weekend. I'm a little bit nervous, but things seem to be going in the right direction. I have the wine that she brought set out, wine glasses on the table, the table is set, and the house is clean. I'm just waiting on Sui to get here with the supplies, so I can cook us a nice dinner. I want to make a good first impression with (Y/N).

I have about 5 hours till she gets here, which gives me plenty of time to wait for Sui, cook, and get myself cleaned up before she gets here. I put my phone down on my dresser, and walked to my closet. Most of my clothes are flashy, or really fancy. I don't have anything perfect for this setting. I can't just leave the house, since Sui is going to be here soon.

I sat down on my bed, and started to think. I didn't want to look to flashy, like I do on stage. And I definitely don't want to wear a suit. I don't want to dress too casually either. I stared out into my window, until an idea popped into my head. I'll just call Hyoga, and ask him to  bring me something. We do wear the same size in clothes after all.

I grabbed my phone from my dresser, and dialed Hyoga's number. The phone rung three times before I heard Hyoga's voice. "Hey Misery. What's up?"

"This is kind of an emergency, and a last minute thing for you. But do you think I can borrow an outfit from you for tonight?" I bit down on my lip waiting for an answer. "Sure anything for you Misery. What kind of outfit are you looking for?"

"Something casual, yet appropriate for a dinner date at home. Got any ideas?"

"Maybe a nice flannel, and some black jeans, Hyoga suggested" I thought about his choice of out for a minute. It's casual, but it's not too casual. I think it might work. "Yea, but I hate buttoning up the flannel. Do you have a shirt I can borrow?"

"Yea. I just got my shipment in from Black Moral. Ever heard of them?"

"Yeah. Isn't it the gazette's clothing line or something?"

"Yeah it is. I just brought those black shoes they were selling, a backpack, and some shirts. You should buy something from there one day."

"Yeah. Okay, thank you. Can you get  here in an hour or two?" I looked over at the time, and I remembered that I have plenty of time before my date. "Yeah I can. I'll see you then Misery." Hyoga hung up the phone, and I put my phone down onto the bed. Before I got a chance to sit down, someone was knocking at my door. I already knew it was Sui, since I'm expecting him.

I went to the door, and opened. It was Sui. He was holding bags, and bags full of groceries. I gave him some money to the run to the store for me, and he did what he was supposed to do. "That's a lot for stuff Sui." I looked down in all the bags. Some things in there weren't all ingredients for pork cutlet bowls. "Yea, I know. I went to get all the stuff at the store, and I got some things for myself," Sui rubbed the back of his head."

"Sui! Get out. Thanks for the stuff. Come by later, and get your stuff," I was saying, as I was kicking him out of my house. Before he could protest, I shut the door on him. I locked my door, and walked away. I'll apologize to him later. Right now, I need to prepare the food.

I put on my apron, like the classy guy I was, and tied it around my back. I took out all of the ingredients for some Katsudon. I took out the eggs, pork chops, salt, panko, onion, dashi, soy sauce, mirin, sake, sugar, and rice. I looked at all my ingredients, and got to cooking.

I cut up the onion, and prepared the pork chops to be cook. I didn't want to immediately start cooking, since I don't want it to be cold when we eat dinner. I took a look at the clock above my TV. 3 hours, until the date. Hyoga should be here in about an hour to bring me some clothes. I put the cut up onions in a bowl, and the pork chops in a container to store them for now.

I decided to go ahead, and take myself a shower. I usually take 45 minute showers, so I should be out the shower. I Have enough time to cook everything up, change into my clothes, prepare drinks, and still have time to relax. I took the apron off, and walked into my bathroom.

The shower I had, had a glass sliding door. It also had a shower detachable shower head, so you can wash up well. It also had a nice storage unit to put all your stuff for your shower at. I turned on the water, and made sure it was just the right temperature for me.

I stripped out of my clothes, and opened the sliding, glass door. I got in the shower, and closed the shower door. The temperature of the shower was refreshing. The warm water falling down my back felt nice. Also the water hitting my hair, made my hair feel a lot cleaner already. I just stayed like that for a while.

I grabbed my shampoo bottle, and washed my hair good with it. I used the conditioner that came with the shampoo. It smelled like peppermint. Which was amazing. I washed my body with a body was that smelled like citrus. I washed up really good, and made sure I smelled good. I turned off the water, and opened the sliding glass door, which let out all the steam into the rest of my bathroom. I grabbed my towel from the towel rack, and wrapped it around my waist.

I opened the door to my bathroom, and I heard a knock on my door. Hyoga must be here to give me my clothes. I opened the door, and I saw Hyoga at my door. He had a bag full of clothes, and a tube of mochi ice cream. "Thanks man," I said, as he gave me the bag. "Also, what's the mochi ice cream for?"

"It's for you, and (Y/N). I thought it would be a nice dessert for you guys to have after your dinner. "Thanks Hyoga." I patted him on his back. "Well Misery, I'd love to stay. But I have somewhere I need to be at the moment. Tell me everything after the date." He closed the door behind him, and I sat the bag of clothes on my couch. Now I can actually start on the food.

I finished cooking up the food. The katsudon was finally done. The house smelled so good because of the food. I kept the food in bowls that keep the heat of the food inside. I sat them down on the table, and prepared the rest of the table for tonight.

I grabbed two wine glasses from my cabinet, and put them on the table. I also boiled some water to make us some green tea. I wanted to have wine, but tea as well. I grabbed two cups, and sat them down next to the wine glasses. The table looked good, so now I can get myself together.

I grabbed the bag of clothes, and went into my room. I dropped my towel, and put on some underwear. I grabbed the black pants out the bag, and slipped them on my smooth legs. I put on belt, just because. I grabbed the shirt from out of the bag, and examined it. The shirt had a demon Mary, and demon baby Jesus on it. It had a black background too. This shirt seemed a little too casual, but I guess this is all I have to work with. I slipped the shirt on over my wet hair. It was long, but I'm guessing that was the style.

Since this outfit seemed a little too casually, I paired it with a black bomber jacket that I had hanging up in my closet. Now, I feel a little more better about this outfit. Now I need to style my hair. I went into my bathroom, and grabbed my brush, comb, hairspray, and hair clips. I didn't want to look to out there, but I want my hair to have some volume to it.

I brushed out all the tangles in my hot pink hair, until my hair looked flat. I took some hair gel, and rubbed it at the center of my hair. I took my comb, and started to tease the top of my hair to add some volume to it. When I liked the volume, I set it with some hair spray. I styled my bangs the normal way I liked, and spiked the ends of my hair with hair gel. I sprayed more hairspray to make sure my hair would stay in place.

I checked the time, and I had an hour minutes to finish everything up. I brushed my teeth before leaving my bathroom. I cleaned up my living room, and cleaned the mess in the kitchen. The hose looked nice, it smelled nice, the food was done, I looked decent. Now I can rest for 30 minutes.

I went in my room, and turned on my game system. I played some final fantasy XV. It was actually one of my favorite games to play. Playing video games always were a good way for me to relax, before something important.

Time flies. I heard a knock at my door, and it could only be (Y/N).


A/N: Cliffhanger ^^ I'm going to start working on part 3 tonight. It won't be published till later though, since I'm working on another story as well. I hope you enjoyed. This was just a way for you guys to understand how Misery feels. This was kind of a filler piece, but it's kind of a crucial piece, I guess. (BTW: Those are the real ingredients to make Pork Katsudon.)

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