Kai X Reader X Uruha (The Gazette)

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Kai X Reader X Uruha

Uruha's P.O.V

Our new manager is so cute. She started working for us about 2 months ago, and I have developed a giant crush for her. Her name was (Y/N). Whenever she came to the office, she always dressed casual, unless their was a meeting. Not only was she gorgeous, but she was very good at her job. Booking us tours, setting up interviews, making sure release singles on time. Smart, and sexy. Two best qualities a girl can have.

Kai's P.O.V

Our manager (Y/N) had frequent visits with me, since I was the leader. She would discuss tours with me, interviews, and album releases. The more I spent time with her, the more I started to fall for her. Now, I am just head over heels because of her beauty, and intelligence. She seemed like the perfect girl in my eyes. She was comfortable around me too, which made things even better.

(Y/N)'S P.O.V

Ever since I started working for the The Gazette, my life has gotten so much better. I moved into a bigger house, I spend time with the boys, and I fell for two of the members. Kai, and Uruha. The way Kai would make me feel comfortable when we would talk made it so comforting to be around him. And Uruha, the way his hair flowed, and his eyes sparkle would make any girl fall for him

However, It sucks that I've fallen for both of them. They both have good qualities. Kai's mom like qualities, and Uruha's charm. I wish I could just tell them that I've fallen for both of them, and they would be willing to share me. However, things don't work like that. At least it rarely worked like that. It wasn't common for people to be in a relationship with 2 people, and both of them be okay with it.

'What am I going to do'

Kai's P.O.V

"Alright, (Y/N)'s coming in 5 minutes, so please pick up your trash, and allow her to inspect our new album without issues," Ruki had spoke to us. I picked up the cups Uruha had laying around the house, and the trash from Reita's KitKat wrappers. I put them all in the trash can by the door. Just then, (Y/N) had walked in the door.

Today she was wearing black skinny jeans, a white button up top, with a black, knit sweater over it. She had on plain black flats. Her hair was styled down today with bouncy curls. She looked very pretty like always. She had a binder, and notebook in her hand. And a coffee in the other hand.

"Hello (Y/N)-chan," I greeted her. She game me a wide smile, and hugged me tightly. "Kai, I'm happy to see you. Let's go in the other room and we can inspect the album together," she told me. I smiled wide at her, and my eyes sparkled with delight. I was happy to be alone with (Y/N). "Okay that's fine." I turned around, and told the guys I was going with (Y/N) to discuss the album. I waved them bye, and shut the door.

I walked down the long hallway of our floor, before reaching the last door at the end of the hall. She opened the door for me, and allowed me to go in first. I walked in, and she shut the door behind her. I sat down in the chairs provided at the table, and she sat down next to me. She opened the binder, and began to ask many questions.

"This cover art was given to me by Ruki. Do you approve?"

"Yes, Ruki had talked to it with use before handing in to you." She wrote down something in her notebook, and began to flip more pages in her binder. "This shows the song line up, do you agree ?"

"Yes. Again, we all worked on fixing up the songs, and made the line up together," I spoke with a hint of excitement in my voice. She looked up at her paper, and smiled at me. She wrote down again in her notebook, and flipped the page. "The album title is Traces Vol. 2. Do you approve of this decision?"

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