Gaku X Reader (Fest Vainquer)

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* This is the same story from my last Gaku x Reader, except this is all in Gaku's P.O.V*

After a long day at practice, I finally was able to go home. It was about 1 a.m., and I'm still not done with my work. My bandmates want me to write a new guitar part, and have it in by tomorrow night. The only way I was going to be able to finish is if I stay up all night. But it has to be done, so I have no choice.

I unpacked my guitar, and plugged it into the amp. Hopefully, none of neighbors could hear me. I don't want to cause any disturbances in the building, so I will try to play as quietly as possible.

At first, I was playing as quietly as possible. But then I started to get into the beat. Without even realizing, I was getting louder, and louder. I was so into my playing. It sounded so good, and it went with the song that we were writing. Twenty minutes later, I hear a loud knock on my door.

I put my guitar down onto a stand, and started to walk towards the door. I unlocked all on my locks, and opened the door. It was a girl standing there. She was so gorgeous, and I felt so bad for disturbing her peace.

"Hey, am I being too loud?" I was at least able to say those few words. She didn't say nothing for a minute. Did I creep her out? Do I look okay? Is something wrong with my hair? All these questions in my head are bothering me. I looked at her for a few seconds, before she was able to get her words out.

"Ummm...yeah, kind of. B-But it's fine," she said. I smiled at her, and her face turned red. She looked so adorable when she blushes. We were just standing there for a minute, and it was getting awkward.

"I'm sorry about that. Why don't you come in for tea?" I asked her. She nodded her head, and she still was blushing. I opened the door more to let her inside. I guided her to the table. I pulled out a chair for her to sit down. I went back into the kitchen to prepare the tea.

I made the tea very quickly, since all I needed to do was pour hot water into 2 cups, and put tea bags in them. I walked over to the table, and handed her a cup of green tea. "Thank you," she said to me in a quiet voice. " No problem. Be careful it's hot," I told her. I don't want her to burn her tongue. I sat down next to her, and started to drink my tea with her.

"If you don't m-mind me asking, w-why do you play your g-guitar this late?" She asked me. I smiled at her, and grabbed her right hand. I felt a connection when I grabbed her hand. Her hands were very warm. "Ahh, you see, I'm in a band and I need to practice a certain part for a concert." I kept eye contact with her the whole time I was talking.

"I see," she said looking away. I stood back up, and went into the living room to back my guitar. I already have enough parts done, so I can just finish of the rest of the guitar part. "I never got to ask. What's your name?" I asked her.

"It's (Y/N)," she told me.

"It's a very pretty name," I told (Y/N). Once I was finish packing my guitar, I went back over to the table with (Y/N)

"What's your name?"

"My name is Gaku." She nodded her head, and continued to sip her tea.

We ended up talking all night. We asked each other what are interest were. I told her more about my band, and I even played some songs for her with my phone. She was just curious about me, and it was cute. I need to just go ahead, and tell her I like her. This is the perfect opportunity too. I stood up, and went to get us some snacks.

"You know, I think I like you," I blurted out. It must've been so random for her. I hope I didn't mess up, or made it awkward.

"Umm...I think I like you too." She accepted my feelings. I walked over to her, and she was looking down at the floor. I grabbed her chin softly, and looked her in the eyes.

"You know, we can call this a first date." I told her. I leaned closer to her face, and kissed her soft lips. My hand wrapped around her waist, and she wrapped her arms around my neck. We both needed tome air, so we ended up pulling back.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" She blushed at me, and smiled. "Of course." She pulled me into a hug, and we stayed like that for a while. She checked her phone, and pulled back from the hug.

"Ughh...It's late. I have to go back to my apartment now." She stood up, and walked towards the door. I grabbed her wrist, and stopped her just in time.

"You can stay the night here." I was so nervous to ask her this. I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable. She started blushing, and smiled. "Yea sure. Let me go, and lock my door." She said, before she walked out the door.

I left the door unlocked, so she could come back in whenever. I went into my room, and got under the covers. I getting tired, and I have practice tomorrow. I heard the door open, and close. She walked into my room, and turned to look at her.

"You can sleep next to me," I told her. She started to blush, and got under the covers with me. I cuddled her close to me, since she is so warm and cute.

"Good night (Y/N)."

"Good night Gaku."


A/N: I've been doing good updating this book. This was a request, so thank you for requesting, and I hope you enjoy. I have 2 more request to do, and I will be done ^^ then I can start writing demented circus again, and hopefully finish it soon.

J-Rock X Reader: Book of One-Shots ( Requests on hold )Where stories live. Discover now