Ryu X Reader (MoNoLith)

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(Y/N) P.O.V

Why do I do this to myself? I've just agreed to go on a date with Ryu. I mean, he's the most popular kid in school, while I'm just a nerd who does nothing but study hard. Why did he even bother asking me out on a date? So many questions, yet no answers. I feel like my brain is going to explode. What do I wear? Where are we going? Is this a joke? Ugh...

---2 hours earlier---

I was standing at my locker, gathering my things so I can go home. I have a test to take in science tomorrow, so I need to make sure I know everything that my teacher went over. I also have an English paper due tomorrow, so I need to finish that.

I grabbed my science book, and my English book out of my locker. I closed my locker, and put my backpack over my shoulders. I was getting ready to head out the door, until Ryu stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a minute," he asked me. I was terrified. He has never talked to me before. How does he even know me? I know him, only because his name pops up in every conversation around the school. Every girl wants to be with him, but he always denies their confessions.

He was clearly waiting for me to answer, so I just nodded my head a yes in response to his question. He pulled me outside of the school, and over to the side. He was facing me, while I was looking down at the ground.

"So, I notice you around school a lot. You really don't talk to anyone. I like that. Your also very intelligent. We have a few classes together, so I know this. I think intelligence is really attractive. Can I take you out on a date tonight?"

"Umm...I don't know. Can you?" 'Shit, I can be really sarcastic at the wrong times.' He laughed, and grabbed my right hand.

"Alright I guess I can. Here, let's exchange numbers." He handed me his phone, and I typed my number into his phone. I have no idea what I'm getting myself into, but I have a feeling it's bad. I gave him back his phone, and he smiled.

"Alright I will text you later. See you tonight then," he said, and proceeded to walk in the other direction. I let out the breath that I didn't realize I've been holding in. I gave myself a minute to process what happened before walking home.

---Present Time---

'What do I wear? I have nothing fancy in my closet. I don't go out on dates, or doing anything special. This is a first for me, so I'm stressed.' I sat down on my bed, and closed my eyes. I need to relax myself. I can't let myself get stressed over something so little like this. As I started to relax, my phone went off. I opened my eyes immediately, and checked my phone.

"This Ryu. I'm going to need your address, so I know where I'm going. Also, dress casually, we aren't doing anything to fancy, since I don't think that's up your alley."

All of my stress left my body. We aren't doing anything to fancy, so i don't have to dress fancy. I still need to look a little presentable though. I texted Ryu my address, and began to search my closet for something casual, yet nice.

I found a black tank top in my closet, and paired it with a grey cardigan. I grabbed some blue jeans, and my black creeper shoes to go with it. This is the closest to a nice outfit it's going to get for me.

I went into my bathroom, and took a shower. Once I was finished, I slipped on my outfit and brushed my teeth. I put my hair up into a messy, neat bun. I turned off the light in my bathroom, and walked out. My phone started ring, I knew it was Ryu, so I picked it up immediately.

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