Shikina X Reader (Vrzel)

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Shikina X Reader (Vrzel)

(Y/N) P.O.V

Me, and Shikina have been best friends for awhile now. 3 years to be exact. We spent most of our time with each other, and we didn't have many friends, since we are considered 'weird'. I just like to say we are different then other people because we are actually. But lately, he has been distant from me.

I started falling for him when we first became friends. I wanted to be more then friends, but he usually would have a girlfriend. But they were only using him because he had good connections with people, and could easily get the girls jobs, discount piercings, and they would seduce him a lot, since he does have a high sex drive.

I wanted to be with Shikina, but then our friendship grew stronger, and stronger, so whenever I had my chance, I wouldn't go for him. I didn't want to ruin such a strong relationship between us, because if he would reject me, it would be awkward for both of us, and we wouldn't be the same.

He started becoming distant from me, and it was really bothering me. I would barley touch his shoulder, and he would get uncomfortable, or I would ask him to go somewhere with me, but he would always say he was busy, when I know for sure that he wasn't.

We were currently walking to school together. That was the one thing we did do together. He still would walk me to school, but it was awkward. He would usually carry me to school, but he didn't, so I asked him myself.

"Can you carry me the rest of the way?" I asked him. He looked down at me, and sighed.

"We are almost to the school (Y/N). You can walk." He said. He gave me the cold shoulder. I seriously wonder what is wrong with him? He doesn't act the same around me anymore. It's like we grew apart.

Once we got to the school, he ran off not saying bye to me. I wondered what that was about. I just went off the my first class, not even stopping by my locker. I didn't want anything to do with him, or his 'new friends' Yea, he got new friends. So he hangs out with them more then me.

I walked into the class, and Shikina walked in as well. He didn't even wave at me, or look at me. I just put my head down on my desk, and closed my eyes. I tried not to cry, or anything. I didn't want to cry, since I'm already to 'needy'.

I felt someone hit the back of my head, and it was the teacher. She had her ruler in her hand, and she was going on about how I shouldn't be sleeping in class, but I ignored her, and zoned out on her. Everyone was laughing at me. I tried to shrug it off, since it wasn't a big deal to me, but then it got worse.

The laughing turned into people criticizing me. Shikina didn't say anything, or ask if I was okay. I didn't know what to do. Usually he would comfort me, and tell me to ignore it, or that they don't know what they are talking about. I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed my backpack, and ran out the classroom.

I walked the halls until I was in the middle of the stair case. I sat down, and took out my notebooks. I started studying on my own. It was peaceful, and quiet to study in here. There wasn't constant laughing, and criticism. I didn't even have to look at Shikina's face. I don't even want to see his face, considering the fact he doesn't want anything to do with me.

I was about to move, until I saw Shikina running towards me. I hurried, and put my notebook, and tried running down the stairs, until he grabbed my wrist. I tried pulling from him, since I don't want to talk to him.

"Let me go." I said nicely at first, but he didn't. He just stared at me, and then I got louder.

"LET ME GO!" He still didn't let me go. He sighed at me.

"Look (Y/N). I didn't even realize what was going on." He looked down at me. I still didn't want to hear it. How could you not hear the laughing, and criticism in the classroom.

"I don't want to hear it." I told him. I tried to pull him off of me, but all it did was cause him to fall down on top of me.

"Oww...Your hurting me Shikina." He was laying on top of me, and it hurts. All of weight was buried on me.

"Oops, I fell." He said.

"Well I know you fell. I can feel it, now get up off of me, so I can go home. I don't want to be here in school right now." I said, he looked at me like a confused puppy.

" don't get it." Now I was the confused puppy. What don't I get? He fell on me, and it hurts. I want to go home, and sleep forever. What is there to get?

"I fell for you." He said, pushing his lips against mine. I grabbed his cheek, and returned the kiss. We broke the kiss, only so a teacher doesn't catch us.

"I'm sorry for being a jerk (Y/N) Please be my mine. You can still be my best friend, we just do more. You can be a girlfriend, and a best friend at the same time." I smiled at him. He would confuse anyone else just saying that, but I understand completely.

"I will be yours Shikina." I said. He got up off me, and helped me up. He picked me up on his back, and grabbed my backpack too.

"C'mon. Let' go back to my place." He said, carrying me out of the school building.


A/N: Another one-shot for you! I'm being quite the cheesy person today. Ehh, whatever. Just bare with me on this. I will try to update this again today. I have quite a few ideas for some scenarios. I just will be using bandmen from smaller bands for them :)

~Till we meet again~

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