Courtesy and Relationship (drarry)

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Part two to the previous one requested by anime_36 

Harry and I got along really well. As I tutored him more and more, I grew more attracted to him. Severus allowed me to use the potions room during free periods or after hours so I could help.

"Okay what do you smell?" I asked after we finished brewing Amorentia. He leaned in and smelled the potion.

"I smell apples and vanilla, um broom polish and mmm." He stuck his tongue out from the corner of his mouth and sniffed it. "The last is some kind of book smell. Like a new book smell." He told me and I nodded. He turned to me with a smile on his face. "What do you smell Draco?" He asked. I moved closer to the table and took a big whiff.

"I smell like a musky smell. It's not over powering but like it's there. Um I smell broom polish as well and treacle tarts." I told him and looked over at him. He was staring at me and blinking slowly.

"So... you smell me?" He asked and I felt my face go hot.

"I mean... I guess." I told him slightly panicking. He grabbed my hands and then grew a big smile.

"I smell you too." He told me and I looked at him perplexed. "I've gotten close enough to you to know that you use green apple shampoo and vanilla cologne." He told me and it was my turn to slowly blink at him.

"So.... You like me too?" I asked and he smiled.

"We've become so close. My friends practically ditched me and I'm with you a lot more than I am them. It just happened." He stated.

"I don't know how it happened to be honest. I meant, you're Potter. Someone I used to hate and now, you're my crush?" I questioned and he laughed heartily before pulling me closer. He planted a sweet and slow kissed on my lips. I kissed him back gently and then we pulled away. He still held me in his arms and placed his forehead against mine.

"Don't think too much about it Draco. I think it's weird too and my friends would go nuts if they see we're together. But that doesn't mean my feelings for you change."

"So you want to give us a try?"

"What's the worst that could happen? We were already enemies, we're friends now and last we try a relationship." He told me and I smirked.

"Are you asking me to your boyfriend Potter?" He pulled away slightly but kept his grasp on my hands.

"Malfoy, will you be my boyfriend?" He asked and I smiled nodding. We leaned in and sealed it with a kiss.

My one shots are back! Requests are closed for now but they'll be open soon! 

Love And Longing (Drarry) (Scorbus) (One Shots) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now