A Wedding and Life After Hogwarts (drarry)

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Dedicated to Whatismylife1220 for the request of part two to their prior request Relationships and Ropeshops

Daria's P.O.V

Harriet and I had just exchanged vows at our wedding. From when I proposed, three years prior, I was giddy with excitement to marry her. I was apprehensive about dating her, when we first went out, because I didn't want out friendship to ruin. However, I was head over heels in love with her.

"We're finally married." She whispered to me.

"I'm so happy for that." I rubbed my nose against hers. "Are you?"

"I've been waiting to marry to since we were 12, of course I'm happy." She gave me a bored looked and I laughed kissing her mouth.

"Well you've done your waiting and now you're done." I was officially hers.


I got home from work, which was a potions position at Hogwarts. I got to leave after my classes ended each day because of my family.

That's right, my family.

Harriet and I had a little three year old son named Reginald and another little girl on the way.

When I walked into the family room, she was taking a nap with little Reggie and her hand was on five month belly. I grinned at the sight and decided that I should probably wake them. I walked over to them and gently shook her.

"Hat." I whispered. "Hattie, wake up." I told her gently. She slowly opened her eyes and grinned.

"Hi lovely, how was work?" She asked sitting up. Reggie gave a cry of protest at being moved but quickly settled when she placed a kiss on his head.

"Work was great. I missed you though. How's the little one doing?" I asked her and she placed my hand on her belly.

"Started kicking today." She informed me. "Hi baby, mama is home, can you kick for her princess?" She cooed. Like she heard us, our baby kicked very gently.

"Oh my god." I grabbed her belly and squatted down. I placed my lips to her belly and then grinned. "I love you so much Harriet." I told her and she pulled me into a kiss.

"Can you believe it all started in a robe shop?" She asked and I laughed.

"Not in the slightest." I told her. "Not in the slightest."

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