Two Men and A Baby (Scorbus)

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Third Person P.O.V

            Albus sat in the rocking chair as another contraction swept through him. He winced and clutched his swollen belly taking a few breaths to relax himself. Scorpius walked back into the room and kneeled in front of him.

            "How far apart are they?" He asked his husband.

            "Around fifteen minutes." Albus breathed out. "And they're getting stronger."

            "Okay. Let's get to the hospital." Scorpius suggested but Albus shook his head.

            "I want to do it here." Albus told Scorpius. "You know what you're doing, you're a mediwizard after all." Albus chuckled and Scorpius gave a tight smile as if he were thinking.  He leaned in and kissed Albus' nose.

            "Okay, you have to get up though. Do you want a water birth or do you want to do it on the bed?" He asked and Albus chuckled.

            "I think doing it on the bed is how I got pregnant." He laughed and Scorpius rolled his eyes but smiled. "The bed. I don't feel like being in water." He told his husband. Scorpius helped Albus up and then supported him, allowing him to lean against his chest. They made it to the door of their bedroom that was conjoined with the nursery when another contraction swept through Albus so hard that he let out a scream.  "Ah fuck. It hurts." He told Scorpius who pet his hair gently.

            "I know baby, just breathe." Scorpius advised and Albus breathed in then let it out. Scorpius sat Albus down on the bed and allowed him to get comfortable to give birth as he left to get some towels. 

            The contractions came closer and Albus was more agitated. He cried out as another contraction swept through him.

            "Okay, I'm gonna check to see how far along you are, are you ready?" Scorpius ask and Albus nodded. Very gently Scorpius checked and noted that Albus was ready to deliver. "Okay baby, it's time."

            It took all of seven minutes for Albus to give birth to the seven pound baby boy.  He looked just like Albus only having Scorpius' lips and nose. After cutting the cord and cleaning him up, he wrapped the babe in a blanket and let Albus hold his son. He got into the bed next to his husband and cooed over the little boy.

            "He's here." Albus said and gently brushed his lips against the baby's forehead. "And he's perfect."

Sorry for the long wait! I didnt realize how busy I'd be! Thank you for waiting :)

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