Roommates and A Kept Promise (Drarry)

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Dedicated to lovestar_29 and TronnorAF13 for the request of the part two!

Draco's P.O.V

For the last three years of my life, I had been living with my teacher Mr. Potter. He had brought the abuse of my father to the attention of the headmaster. He was the one who had me removed immediately from my home and Mister Potter, despite just meeting him, volunteered to take me in because I had nowhere to go. The headmaster explained to him that that would be inappropriate due to the circumstances of him being our teacher. He resigned right then and there leading me to break down again because I had never had one person to care so much about me and he had just met me.

"Draco, where are you at?" He called.

"In here!" I called from the living room of his little condo. He had treated me like a real parent... that was until I fell for him.

I had woken up from a pretty brutal nightmare and he was there. He comforted me and held me as I calmed down. I kissed him that night and he told me it was wrong. I told him it was okay because he was not my teacher anymore and that I was adult, that I could make my own decisions. And he agreed after much debate.

"Ah there you are. Did you have a good day?" He kissed my head before sitting next to me.

"Eh classes were mediocre." I shrugged. I crawled so I could cuddle up to him. He pulled me so my head rested on his chest. "How was work?" I asked. Despite resigning from the school, he got a new job in the next town over.

"Teenagers are annoying as hell and they don't pay attention. But jokes on them, I'm gonna give them a pop quiz."

"Ooh you're bad." I teased snuggling into his chest. I looked up and he smiled down at me.

"I missed you." He admitted and I leaned up. I pressed my lips against his and kissed him slowly.

"I missed you too." I mumbled against his lips. His grip tightened around me and we pulled away. "I love you Mr. Potter." I told him and he rolled his eyes but rubbed his nose against mine.

"And I love you Draco." I hugged him tightly after that. I was just happy the teacher kept his promise to the scared student.

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