Bathrooms and Inner Demons (Drarry)

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Warning- Dark Harry

Harry's P.O.V

I tried shaking the thoughts but they just kept coming. What if I wanted them all to die? What if I had to fulfill my 'blood lust?' I could see my menacing smirk in the mirror as I just slashed the screaming people. I cackled at the people, their blood splashing on my clothes.

"No no." I shook my head from the thoughts. Didn't work. All I saw was red and dead people. I could vaguely make out another person's voice.

"You can't fight me Harry." The dark version of myself said. "You know you liked watching them all die. You wanted them all to die."

"No!" I yelled. "No I didn't want them to die." I shouted. "I didn't mean to kill them." My voice cracked. Another voice was trying to get me out my trance but I was too far into it.

"Oh but you didn't even kill them yourself, you had others do your dirty work." He cackled. "Worse than the dark lord."

"Stop no!" I shouted. I shook my head vigorously collapsing to the ground. The menacing smirking "No go away. Go away." I gripped my ears shaking my head. I hit myself a few times.

"Come on Harry. It's okay." I heard the other voice speak softly. "Come on Harry. It's Draco. You can do it, you just have to listen to my voice." I heard.

"D-Draco?" I asked. My hands were still clamped on my ears.

"Yes Harry. Come on. Just listen to my voice."

"It'll be soon before you kill him too." Dark me hissed.

"No! No Draco, I-I would n-never hurt him."

"You did the others." It kissed again.

"Harry please focus on my voice. Hey you can do it love, come out." He spoke softly. Soon the voice started to leave. The images started to disperse. It was all because Draco's voice was drowning it out. "Yes Harry, you can do it. Just listen to the sound of my voice." He said and finally I looked at him fully. I could make him out. I was the real me. Blood stained my shirt and was covering the ground. I blinked at him and then felt the pain in my head and arms.

"Draco." I spoke and he let out a shaking breath.

"You're okay Harry. You're okay." He told me. He grabbed my arms and showed them to me. Long gashes covered them. "You scratched yourself pretty badly." He spoke softly. "I couldn't touch you without you jerking away. You seemed to have hurt your head too, can I heal you?" He asked and I nodded wordlessly. He murmured a spell to my arms then my head. Finally he pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheek. "You're okay." He murmured into my ear. I hugged him back and I for the first times since entering the bathroom, I felt utterly secure. I snuggled into his shoulder and whispered,

"Thank you."

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