Rumors and Vengeance (Drarry)

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Dedicated to lydiarose4317 for the request!


Harry went too far. Draco was very adamant that he didn't cheat but the hothead went off and told the entire school he did. Now they hated him for it, hated him for hurting the golden boy.

            People would bully him in the hall. Push him around and beat him up. They called him scum and degrading all because Harry lied. This led to his depression and staying bed all day staring at nothing.

            "Draco, come on, you have to come out soon. People aren't even talking about it anymore. Plus Pot-" Pansy stopped speaking when she saw Draco wince at the name of his ex. "He's moved on." She added softly. Draco didn't move and just continued staring at the wall. His eyes void of any emotion. She walked over to him and gently sat on the side of his bed. She stroked his hair once before leaning down and pressing a kiss to his temple. "I'm gonna take care of this." She told him. He just laid there as she left the room.

            It was lunchtime so she marched into the Great Hall and spotted the raven haired boy. She wasted no time going up to him and yanking him up by the hair.

            "Ow! What the fuck Parkinson?!" Harry shouted.

            "How fucking dare you?!" She screamed at him. "You broke Draco! Broke him so beyond belief that he doesn't even do anything anymore! He doesn't eat, doesn't sleep... he doesn't even fucking move. He's been staring at the wall in his room for two weeks now! He makes no sound and the only reason we know he is alive is because Zabini had a fucking monitor charmed in his room that will only go off if he stops breathing!" She yelled at him. 

            "Why do I care? He cheated on me! He deserves this for hurting me!" Harry defended. Deep down, he knew that wasn't true. He was shocked on how much Draco was affected by everything.

            "He didn't! You're just a hotheaded son of bitch who jumped to conclusions!" She let out a frustrated shouted. "And now the whole school hates him for something you lied about. I hope that the fame is enough to get by in life Potter because merlin knows everyone going to leave you!" With that, she struck him once across the face and stormed away leaving Harry to his thoughts.

            She went back to Draco and he was still just staring at the wall.  She lied down next to him and wrapped her arms around his body. Resting her chin on his arms, she looked into his empty eyes.

            "I've taken care of it." She then explained everything that transpired in the great hall. At the end of her story, she pressed a kiss on his temple. When she pulled away, she noticed he had a faint smile on his lips. She grinned and whispered, "You're welcome Draco."

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