Bedtime Stories and Conversation (drarry)

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Dedicated to FrancineLupinSirius for the request!

Draco's P.O.V

            "Daddy, can you tell me a bedtime stowy?" My daughter asked me.

            "I sure can princess, what do you wanna hear?" I asked tucking her in.

            "Hawwy Potter!" She exclaimed and I smiled.

            "Okay." I smiled and then started the story. "Once upon a time there was a boy by the name of Harry Potter. Now Mister Potter was an arrogant little boy but he was special. He would grow up to the hero! Now first year of his stay at Hogwarts, Mister Harry Potter himself fought the bad guy with just his hands!" I told her and she gasped. "Then the year after that, he fought a giant Basilisk with the sword of Gryffindor!"

            "He killed the snake?" My daughter asked.

            "Yes he did. But the snake was trying to eat him." I assured and her eyes widened. "Then the year after that, an escaped prisoner was out to get him. Everyone was trying to save Harry Potter and keep him safe from this man but Harry Potter, being the prat he is, went out and looked for the prisoner. Then when he finally found him, the man turned out to be godfather and someone who loved him very much." I told her. "Then the year after that he was put in a death tournament. He was too young but he was entered by someone who was on the bad guy's side." I explained and then she stopped me.

            "Daddy, were you on the good side?" She asked and I sighed.

            "I was on the right side at the end sweetheart. Are you getting bored of Harry Potter's life?"

            "No!" She gasped and I laughed.

            "Okay so then the year after the death tournament, the bad man came back. And he was doing bad things to his mind. Eventually he tricked Harry Potter to come to a place. In this place, is where Harry Potter lost his godfather."

            "Oh no!"

            "And then they year after that." I started and then I heard someone walk into the door.

            "And then the year after that, daddy and papa got together. Papa saved your daddy from doing something he'd regret." Harry spoke and I smiled. "Then you know what happened after I saved your daddy?" Harry asked.


            "Together we defeated the bad guy and then lived happily after!" Harry finished and then kissed Lily's nose. "And then you know the best part?"


            "We had you." He said and she smiled.

            "I love you papa." She said and he kissed her head.

            "I love you too. Get some sleep." He said. He got up and then I kissed Lily. I told her I loved her and then walked out.  Harry was already in our room and he smiled at me. I walked over to him and pressed a kiss against his lips. I straddled his waist as he sat.

            "Draco?" He mumbled.         

            "Yeah?" I pulled away.

            "I think we should adopt another child." He said and I stared into his eyes.

            "Seriously?" I asked and he nodded. "I think so too." I smiled.


            "Yeah. We're ready and I'm sure Lily would love to be an older sibling." I said and he smiled.

            "I think so too. So we're gonna do this? Really?" He asked and I smiled.

            "We're gonna do it." I agreed and he kissed me hard. We were gonna adopt another baby and my life wouldn't be better.

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