Apologies and a Forever Soul (Drarry)

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Part two to Cracked and Pleading requested by a lot of you 

Third Person P.O.V

They had a funeral for Harry a few days after his death. Remus was beside himself with grief. If only he had just let Harry come home, he could see how badly he needed help. But the funeral was a good one because Harry deserved the best, if only everyone could see that at the time of his life. But the question was, who would defeat Voldemort? And the best answer to that was Neville, who stepped up to the plate right away. His parents were damaged because of the hands of the death eaters and now one of his closest friends was dead, it was all too much.

And that's what he did. With the help of everyone, he defeated Voldemort and multiple death eaters. And he couldn't be more proud of himself.

As for Draco, he had been plagued with nightmares since finding Harry. He felt that he should have done something before it. He should have known that the love his life was suffering and he should have done something before finding him when he was almost dead.

However one night, he wasn't transported into a night full of terrors but he was transported into a beautiful dream where Harry was alive and they were together.

"But you're dead." Draco told Harry softly. He reached out and touched the figure pleased to find his hand didn't fall through.

"I know I am." Harry laughed, his eyes crinkling in amusement. "But you're not."

"I know that." Draco sneered and Harry pulled Draco to him. He hugged him tightly.

"That means I can pull you into this little room any time I want. My soul is everlasting which mean I'm everlasting." He told the blonde. Draco snuggled into Harry's embrace missing the comfort of his arms.

"I'm sorry." Draco told the brunette.

"Don't be." Harry scolded. "It's not your fault."

"I miss you."

"I'm right here baby." Harry promised. "And I'm not going anywhere, I'm always with you. You're so brave Draco, you know that? You're so brave." Harry told him and Draco let out a sob. "Shh." Harry rocked Draco back and forth. He pecked his neck and whispered, "As long as you're asleep you'll always be in my arms." He promise.

"And if I'm not?" Draco managed to choke out.

"Then I'll be humping you without you knowing." Harry joked and Draco chuckled tearfully. Harry's grip tightened on his living boyfriend. "Draco?"


"I'll always love you too."

For the first time in years Draco woke up with a smile on his face. He turned on his side and looked at the empty spot next to him. Harry was with him he knew and for that, he was forever happy.

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