Between Family and Friends (drarry)

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Dedicated to anime_36 for the request!

Draco's P.O.V

My heart thumped painfully in my chest. Harry or my family? With Harry, I'm happy and he'll always protect me. But with him, I don't know how my parents would survive. My mother would be killed! But I love Harry and Hogwarts was always like a second home to me. If I chose the death eaters, my family would be saved, but Harry would never forgive me. He would down right hate me. I couldn't have him hate me, I loved him too much.

"Which would it be?" My father said. I looked at him with scared eyes. My father wasn't cruel. He was a coward. He wanted what he wanted but he couldn't say no to the Dark Lord. He was a coward. "Son?"

"Draco, we want what's best for you." My mother said. I looked over to her. What's best for me? Harry or here? Harry or here? Harry or here? I felt myself panicking. I wanted my parents to live but Harry was my one true love.

"We need an answer!" Father demanded. Coward. He was scared too. Harry or here?

"I-I want." I stuttered and my father glared.

"Do what you want dragon." Mother assured. Harry or here? I tried to channel my inner Gryffindor but came to found it must have been busy the moment. I closed my eyes trying to channel Harry. What would Harry do? WWHD? Harry or here? Harry would pick himself probably. I smiled at the thought but my father's scowl scared me. Harry or here?

"Pick! My father yelled. Do it Draco Harry's voice rang in my ears.

"Who's it going to be Draco?" Mother asked and I took a deep breath. This was the right thing to do. I looked at my parents and said one word.


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