I Love You a Bushel and a Peck (Scorbus)

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Non Magic AU

Scorpius' P.O.V

I sat in front of my boyfriend's parents. A well respected government official and his trophy wife. Albus and I had been dating for nearly five years and I wanted to take it to the next step. I wanted him to be my husband. The only thing I needed was his parents blessing which was next to difficult because his father hated me. He and my father were enemies in school. My father apparently bullied him and now he took it out on me. On the other hand, his mother loved me. She didn't at first but then we spent time together and she absolutely loved me.

"So why have you come calling?" Albus' father asked. "Letting us know you'll be skipping town finally?" He asked and I took a deep breath.

"No. Quite the opposite actually." I told him. "I want to ask for Albus' hand in marriage."

"What?" His parents shrieked. His mother was a surprised delighted shriek but his father's was not.

"I want to marry Albus."


"Yes." They answered in unison and then glared at each other. I licked my lip nervously and Mrs. Potter smiled at me. "Give us two seconds." She said and then pulled Mr. Potter by the hair. He protested in pain but she pulled him from the room. Not out of earshot though.

"Harry James Potter! Your son is in love with this boy and he will resent you forever if you say no!"

"I don't care! I don't to be in laws with the oh-so-jolly Malfoy's!" He yelled.

"Harry, I will allow this to happen even if you don't!" Mrs. Potter screamed. "Albus is head over heels for this boy. So in love with him and always has been. He's been with him for five years! I want you to get over this petty feud with his father. He is not him!" He yelled. Something sounded like a slap and I jumped.

"Ow." Mister Potter muttered. "Fine. I will allow it." He mumbled and then the pair walked out. Misses Potter walked over to me and gave me a hug.

"We give you our blessing." She told me and my heart rate increased.

"Thank you so much."


I took Albus to the park we went to on our first date. His head was in my lap and he was looking at the clouds. I gently pet his hair and smiled in content. I heard the sound of the air plane.

"Look a skywrite." Albus pointed out. He sat up and watched it write something out. "Albus, be my forever?" He read aloud. I pulled out the ring, which was a simple white gold band with red gems, and held it out. He turned to me and gasped.

"So what's your answered?" I asked and he started.

"Yes. Of course." He cried and I slipped the ring on his finger. He threw his arms around me and I kissed my neck.

"I love you Albus."

"I love you too." I said and he held me tighter. He pulled away with a gasp. "I have to call my parents!" He whipped out his phone and I laughed. He's my forever.

Love And Longing (Drarry) (Scorbus) (One Shots) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now