Letters and Secrets (Drarry)

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Warning- Really Sad
Trigger Waring- Don't proceed if easily triggered

Draco Malfoy was married with a child on the way. Who was he married to? Certainly not his four yearlong lover Harry Potter. He was betrothed to Astoria Greengrass as of her eighteenth birthday. He promised Harry that he only needed to be married for one year then they could divorce. But he didn't keep his promise, it was now three years later and he had started a family with Greengrass. He was getting ready in his bedroom when an owl came pecking. It was one he didn't recognize so he let it in and took the letter from it. On the scroll was his name written neatly. He was just about to open it when he heard his wife calling.

"Draco! Granger is calling. She says it's important."

"Coming." Draco called back. He put the letter in his pocket and walked over to the floo. "What's going on Granger?"

"It's Harry... you need to jump through." She said and his heart clenched painfully at the thought of his ex-lover being hurt.

"Okay." He agreed. He turned to his bonded mate and kissed her before going through. He landed in St. Mungo's and noticed the tears in his new friends' eyes. He and Harry did remain in touch even after the "break up".

"Well what is it? Take me to him." Draco demanded and Hermione's bottom lip quivered.

"He didn't make it." She told him and he looked at her.

"What do you mean?"

"He killed himself Draco." Hermione told him and then promptly burst into tears. The others, Weasley's and Longbottom, sat there crying silently. Draco's throat constricted and he looked at her.


"Just this morning. I-I went over there because he didn't answer my phone call, you know how he always answers them. I crept to the bathroom and he in a pool of his own blood." She cried. "I called out for him and he looked over to me. A lone tear slid down his face and he took his last breath."

"W-what?" Draco blinked away the tears. "Why?" He asked and they just shrugged.

"Miss Granger? Can I speak with you for a moment?" The healer spoke softly. Hermione nodded and took Draco with her. They walked into the private room and the healer looked at them. "First off I wanted to apologize for your loss. We lost a good soul today. "

"Thank you."

"Next I wanted to ask if you were aware of Mister Potter's mental status?"

"Mental status?" Draco asked.

"Well it seems that Mister Potter was wearing a glamour. It revealed that he had cuts that up and down his arms and legs. Some on his abdomen. He was very thin. It looked like he hadn't eaten a meal in years. And his eyes looked like he hasn't slept since the war."

"What?" The two gasped in unison.

"He was very unwell." She said. "I'm very sorry."

"Thank you." Hermione croaked. The two got up in silence and left the room. Hermione ran into Ron's arms and started sobbing. Everyone was being comforted by someone so Draco gulped.

"I'm gonna head home. Please so keep be informed about everything." He said and they nodded.

"We will. Stay well Draco." Hermione said. Draco nodded and walked into the floo. He landed and looked at his wife who was around five months pregnant.

"What's going on?"

"Harry Potter's dead." He told her and then broke down. She hugged him tightly and he cried into her hair. "He killed himself."


"He was suffering for a while and this morning, he took his life." He cried and then took a deep breath.

"I'm so sorry."

"I need some time alone."

"Okay." She kissed his lips gently and walked into the bedroom. He sat down and closed his eyes. He thought about all the good times he had with Harry. Their first date in fourth year, to their kiss, to their first time... everything leading up to the day he needed to call it quits. That was three years ago. He moved and heard a crumpling sound. He took the letter out of his pocket and noticed his name written in neat handwriting. He opened it slowly and scanned the letter to see who sent it. It was Harry Potter and his heart clenched. He began to read the letter,

Dear Draco,

If you're reading this, I'm probably gone already. I'm sorry Draco. I really am. I just can't handle it anymore. One year turned into three and I'm tired of waiting. I love you Draco. I love you too much. It kills to me to watch you look at her the same way you looked at me. To watch you start a family with her and to know you're far from being mine. You're gonna be a father Draco and even if we were gonna get back together, I wouldn't be able to get in between you two. We were never gonna get back together and I wish that was just told to me instead of finding out the hard way. You love her Draco, I know you do. But I've spent way too long hoping you'd come back, I'm never gonna be the same. I lost myself and I can't be found. I just hope you understand. I apologize for some of the smudges, my tears got in the way. I wish you the best Draco, you're gonna be a great father. Sorry for this letter to be so short but I can barely see through the tears.

By the way, I've practice writing this so my handwriting will be perfect for you.

Goodbye Draco.

I'll love you forever.


I cried writing this so don't think I'm heartless

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