Potions Accident and Kitten Draco (Part One) (Drarry)

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Dedicated to JessicaVillalobos542 for the request!

Harry's P.O.V

One minute I was giving Malfoy the wrong ingredient by accident and the next minute there was a piercing scream. Everyone at their tables stopped and I watched in horror as Malfoy disappeared. Snape swept over to us and Malfoy was found in the heap of his clothes. He was younger, around six but what surprised me was the ears he sprouted. He had little blonde ears coming from his head. He looked scared and he spotted me. He rushed passed Snape who was about to pick him. I leaned down and quickly wrapped the boy in my robe. I picked him up and hugged him close.

"Mr. Potter, what did you do?" Snape hissed and I gulped.

"I may have given Malfoy the wrong ingredient. It seems he's um sprouted cat appendages." I explained.

"Class dismissed, Potter stay." He hissed and everyone scurried out. My friends shot me sad looks and the Slytherin's wee glaring at me. Malfoy had sprouted a tail as well apparently because it was wrapped around my leg. His face was scrunched up in fear and buried in my chest. "Draco." Snape's voice was forcibly calm. "Do you know where you are?" He asked and Malfoy shook his head. "You're at Hogwarts." He said and Malfoy's head snapped up.

"Really? This is Hogwarts. My mummy always told me about Hogwarts."

"Draco, do you know who I am?"

"No sir."

"I am your godfather." Snape said and Malfoy blinked at him before speaking.

"Severus?" He questioned and Snape nodded. Malfoy turned back to me. "And you're Harry?"

"I am. How'd you know?"

"Sev called you Mr. Potter." Malfoy told me and I chuckled. I brought a hand to his head between the ears and scratched him.

"You're such a smart boy." I cooed and he started to purr making me smile.

"Father says the same thing." Draco, nothing this cute could be considered Malfoy, said. He leaned into my touch and I scratched his ear.

"Well we need to decide what to do with you." Snape said.

"I want to stay with Harry." Draco declared.

"Draco, are you sure?" Snape asked and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Yes. Don't take away from him." He hissed... literally. I chuckled and snuggled the kitten boy closer. Snape pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head sighing.

"Fine Fine." He stated in defeat. "You may stay with Potter."

"Thank you!" Draco cheered.

"First, we need to put proper robes on you. You can't strut around the castle naked." Snape murmured. I put Draco down as he shrunk his clothes and handed them to the boy. Draco changed rather quickly and then grabbed my hand.

"Are we going to your room?" Draco asked me and I smiled. I looked at Snape who sighed.

"For the time being. I will report to Dumbledore of the issue. Potter you may speak with him later. As for now, take him back to the Gryffindor tower and let no harm come to him."

"Yes sir." I agreed and took Draco out of the potions room. He looked around the castle happily and even stopped to speak with some portraits. Finally we made it to the tower and I looked at Draco.

"Now Draco, my friends might bombarded you with questions, don't get overwhelmed." I told him and he smirked. It wasn't his Malfoy smirk, this smirk was cute on him.

"I got this Harry." He said and I chuckled. I said the password and stepped in with the kitten boy. Just as I expected, everyone surrounded us but before they could speak, Draco lifted his hand

"Ladies and Gentlemen please ask all question in an orderly fashion." He spoke and I had to suppress a laugh. Everyone blinked before snapping into action.

"Um okay Harry what's going on?" Hermione was first to asked.

"Well Draco will stay with me until we find out what we're going to do." I shrugged and Draco smiled.

"Why are you part cat Draco?" Dean asked.

"I don't know." Draco shrugged.

"Can I pet you?" Someone in the crowd yelled and Draco's eyes sharpened.

"No only my Harry can pet me." He answered. Everyone fell silent and it took me a few seconds to realize he called me 'my Harry'. I smiled shyly and dropped a hand to rub between his ears. He started to purr as everyone awed and his tail wrapped around me. He let out a little yawn and I laughed.

"Okay my little kitten cat, let's take a short nap before hearing from Snape." I said and he looked at me.

"I can take a nap?"

"Yes." I agreed and he smiled. I walked him through the crowd and to my dorm. "You can share a bed with me for the time being. We don't have another bed. You'll also have four other roommates." He made a face but didn't say anything. I allowed him in my bed and I got in next to him. I scratched his ear and he purred again snuggling up to me. I smiled and closed my eyes.

I woke up to Snape glaring at me. He informed me the antidote would not be ready for two weeks. The only issue was he would not be able to return Draco to his human self only to his older self. Draco told his godfather that it was alright because he liked being a kitty. Another bed would be put in my room to be accommodating to Draco. I would be his guardian until the antidote was finished and I would take Draco with me everywhere I went.


Two weeks later and I was upset. Draco would go back to Malfoy and probably go back to hating me. We became close in those last two weeks. He was like my mini best friend and he always wanted to be with me. No one else just me. It gave me a great sense of pride and a strong feeling of needing to protect. Snape handed the goblet to Draco who looked at me. I nodded in assurance and he smiled. He took the potion and slowly started to change back. Thankfully this time we had a change of his clothes so he wouldn't be naked. When he was finally the old Malfoy (well with the ears and tail), he quickly changed and then looked at me.

"Well I guess I should be going." I told them and went to leave. I started towards the door and I felt something in my hand. It was another hand.

"Wait, don't leave me here." Malfoy said to me and I looked at him perplexed.

"What?" I asked and he pouted very adorably.

"Don't think you're gonna leave me. You're my Harry." He said and I swallowed.

"Your Harry?" I asked and he smiled leaning. He pecked my lips quickly and said,

"Yes. I've claimed you. I'm a kitten remember?" He asked and I scratched his ears. He purred and scooted closer to me. "I only want you." He told me and I smiled.

"I only want you too." I promised. And I meant that promise because two years later, we were married. 

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