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Felt the pain in my eyes though i wasn't crying
Heard the noise of something breaking,  but  couldn't see where and why.
Loosing doesn't mean anything until the cause is by you
You know the reasons but the words wont convey them through

Sing a song,  a melody to let things out
If i cant put it in words after trying million ways out
Its right to feel so wrong,   is this my victory?
Was i worthy?  Did i earn it completely?
Hurts,  doesn't it? When they cross your mind.
** Hey I stopped this book in the middle but I'm going to complete it this this time for sure, so keep up with me  ;)**

Kiiara's pov:-
"Ouch! Why would you do that it hurts"
I said as I removed the pillow (which was thrown at me by my dear sister few seconds ago) from my face and throw it off the bed.

"Pick it up and keep it on the bed, don't mess your room, I don't live here with you to clean up the mess you make",
she exclaims with a straight face as if she didn't do anything and leaves the room.

Ugh! Having a sister, especially an elder one is a pain at times but meh I will deal with her later, right now I have to decide tactics for my dad so that he will allow me to go for the audition.

I know he is against my passion towards music and according to my sister it's like a suicide attempt to even ask him but I really have the feeling that I can qualify in the auditions.

I knew that I would be spending my time in practicing for the competition so I even completed all my study work.

Now I am so ahead of all the other students from my class that they call me a bookworm and tease me or pick on me cause of it but I care the least for what they say or do.

I don't want them to like me anyway, all I want right now is for my dad to let me go...Please please somehow!

Btw I'm kiiara, dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, average height, I'm not that bad in looks though I have only heard compliments from people who are close to me like my sister and my best friends but that's all.

But they complain I'm too careless about my looks, actually about everything, I don't live with my family as I had to graduate from a university in another state.

My family lives in Mumbai while I am here in Chennai living in a flat with a roommate,
I shifted three years ago when I was 17. It was all fun times in Mumbai as I used to have so many friends there unlike now,
but I always wanted to live like this; away but with independence.
Although I have to ask my dad for most of the decisions just like this one, actually it wouldn't have been that big a deal if the competition took place here in Chennai but all the selected participants will be taken to New York for the further stages of the competition.

*Rachel 😍*(my bestfriend)

'Love, that's one of your masterpiece, you're definitely playing that!!
You'll blowww their mind! Tell me your dad is letting you go, ohh godd if he doesn't, make him hear this I swear he will beg you to go then teehee!"

I got a text... Its been 10 years since i first met her(rachel) but she hasn't changed a bit,
always so excited about everything i do! I know she is exaggerating.
what i wrote might be good but damn this girl.

"Kir, we are leaving at least say goodbye"
I heard my sister scream
"Yeaa coming two minutes"
Ohh i have to ask him before he goes, this is going to be tough.

Hey everyone, so i just wanted to say that this is my first time writing a book and the starting chapters are building up to the main story so do continue reading and not stop just on the few chapters cause the real part waits for you ahead xD. Thankyou so much for all the supports that ive got till now, im really excited. ♤♤♤♤ So please keep READING, VOTING AND TELLING ME HOW DID YOU FIND THE BOOK WITH YOUR PRECIOUS COMMENTS AHOYYY!! 

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