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Kiiara's pov:-

"Is everything okay?"
Aarav asks as a concerned look is plastered on his face but right now i just am too baffled by the text i just received that i barely can say something which would make sense, good heavens, "what love confession is he talking about?"

I think it out loud which earns me thousand of more questions from my best friend who is now standing beside me as we both stop walking, but when i dont answer any of them and stare blankly at my phone screen reading the text again and again, aarav takes the phone from my hand,

"Fake shawn?"
Aarav reads out the contact name aloud as confusion is written all over his face,"....who is this kiiara?"
You confessed your love to someone oh shitt, why didn't you tell me..and when?"
He starts with the thread of questions all over again and to shut him up i smack his head,

"No idiot!"
I exclaim still lost in my own thoughts
"Ou..okay but who is this can i know miss 'oh i have so many secrets that i hide from my best friend'...."
He speaks mimicking miley cyrus from her famous series which leads me to smack his head once again.
I stare at him for awhile but then simply roll my eyes, oh he can't be serious right? I am the one hiding!

"Dont tell that i have secrets, when you're the one hiding your whole love life from me!"

"What love life? you know the names of all the girls i goof around with"
He steps in front of me as his voice turns serious and high pitched.

"That's the problem, i know the name of the girls who are not so important...what about the one who you love huh?" i retort back almost immediately cause its started to annoy a little,

"I don't love anyone" he answers innocently after taking a long pause as his eyes which were looking at me before are now staring at the ground.

"As can you still be so stubborn? god" hell he is innocent!
"What exactly are you pointing at..... just tell me" he asks still not meeting up my gaze as a look of guilt spreads all over his face.
"You dont know aarav?" I wait for an answer but when i dont get any i continue speaking,
"Last night, i started drinking after i found out about my best friend's dumbest mistake and also that I am a damn villain in his love story....can you explain to me, arrav!?"
I let it all come out in a hurried voice and once im done i look at aarav, as his eyes is almost teared up but his face has a dead cold expression as if he doesn't care about anything, i have never seen him this way
"How did you find out?.." he asks after taking a deep sigh

Since an hour, im sitting on this bench with my best friend as he was telling me everything that happened between him and the girl he loved and i told him whatever happened from the day i came to Newyork, in which most of the part was about mendes cause well he was the only unexpected factor.

They fell in love two years ago,

I remember it as the year when aarav shut himself away from everyone because of an incident he had with his family.

It was a huge mess.

During that time he vanished for a three months, nobody in his friend circle knew where he went..
Not even me.

And till date I didn't know what happened in those months.
Now j just a know that my best friend had planned to move away in secret to australia.

Leaving everything behind him, with his father, who he has despised his whole life.
It's a long story.

But the main part is nish helped him not take that drastic step
How and why? I don't know
I cant get myself to ask him yet.

All I am aware now that their is a side to aarav I don't know anything about and even her that obviously I don't know anything about, the side that aarav fell in love with, a side above her highly maintained stunning life.

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