i knew it!

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Kiiara's pov:-

"I think he will"

"I dont know maybe"

"Dude im pretty sure he is going to come"

"Let's see, there's still time"

"Kiiara, i have a strong feeling that he will!"

"Aarav, why are you getting such strong feelings?"

"Cause its all over the twitter duh."

"Fine if ed sheeran comes to india within few months, we'll quit the competition and go back india to attend his concert. Happy?"

"Stop being sarcastic, i am serious. Wanna come then come, I will be going for sure and btw who are you looking for?"


I speak as a deer caught in The headlight trying to look less suspicious but hell I am bad.

I turn my gaze towards the bag i am holding and start unzipping the chains for god knows what reason but all i know is i dont want aarav to be thinking im seriously considering the possibility of a foster Shawn Mendes to show up.

Waiting for a stalker isn't my hobby but it's just, I got a strange feeling from the messages that maybe it was genuinely, Shawn Mendes, like maybe maybe.

Dang you kiiara, how can you even consider a possibility that shawn Mendes suddenly her to pick you up, why will he come to pick you up?

"Hey, there are rumours that someone famous is going to be the judge for the competition."

"Nice" I reply still busy in my own thoughts.

Anyways if it was really shawn why didnt he show up within the few minutes like he said?
"Grow some grip over your brainless head kiiara!"

I guess i said the last part aloud because i can see the confusion spreading on aarav's face

"Stop cursing yourself"

"Wait you can hear what i am thinking, you're psychic, woah"

"I dont know about that but youre surely an idiot"

"Aye why, Did i say something aloud?"

"No, except you called yourself brainless, which is true."

"And?" I say in hope that I didn't slip something


Ugh what's wrong with this guy, why wont he just tell me.

What if he heard everything i was thinking.
that'll be a mess but he doesn't know telepathy, what if he does!?

Obviously, kiiara he doesnt know or else he wouldn't have stayed for so long with you after listening to all your lame conversation you have in your head just like this one. Lol.
Yea true that.

"Why are you laughing now freak?"

"Go manh!"

"No i dont want to go away from you, youre my only love, sweetheart"

We do this often like play flirt sometimes and call each other with things we find to be cringe worth

His lips turns into a pout which genuinely looks creepy, its so funny that i burst out laughing.

"Ohh my love, but i want someone hot not creepy"

I say in the most dramatic way that even leo might
Give away his oscar to me.
Okay, No he wont fine.

"Ill meet up a plastic surgeon for you babydoll"

"But baby that wont work, you need a...aa rebirth"

And we start laughing so badly that suddenly he falls from the bag on which he was was sitting,

Such a dumbass.

Shawn's pov

Ugh. There are so many people here, it's hard to look for someone specific, specially by their clothes. I dont know which one she is, what if i approach the wrong girl? no  i wont get another  chance

Its a do or die situation, the first take should be her. you can do it shawn just take a deep breath and use your sixth sense.

I start scanning my surrounding, avoiding the multiple gaze and questions from the girls around me.

When a conversation catch my attention,
"I think he will"

"I dont know maybe"

I turn to look in the direction from where i hear the voices and i see a girl of my age looking everywhere in a way that she is waiting for someone. Is she waiting for me?

Is that nishtha?

I can't see her face but i can totally make out her outfit. It matches everything nistha told me she was wearing, so that's her. I hope.

but who's the guy?

"No i dont want to go away from you, youre my only love, sweetheart" I hear the guy speak and with what i can make out, nistha is laughing..maybe blushing.
So her boyfriend, damn this will be awkward.

Though the guy seriously sound cheesy.
I'll just go and introduce myself, eves dropping won't help.

"Mendes sir"
I feel a tap on my shoulder, the sooner I start to walk in nishtha's direction.
I shift on my feet to look at the person, a really tall guy wearing everything in black, looking at me with a warm smile.
Beside him I take notice of another figure, a girl figure.

Before the tall guy could speak,
The girl beside him speaks in a hurry,
"I am so excited to meet you Shawn, I am a huge fan. Can't even believe you'll be helping me through the competition, yet alone here you are to pick me up, I'm so happy"

"Pick you up?"

"Yeah sir, we got the call a little late but we managed to escort nistha  here to you"

"Oh" I reply in amazement as I notice her outfit, a white colour up and denim.

Oops, I fucked up.

Shawn Mendes- Its Never The EndWhere stories live. Discover now