its a long way journey

134 30 5

And I've been trying... trying to call,
As I've been driving.. driving me home,
Every time you leave me damn on the same road..


*phone vibrates*
For the fifth time the phone rings and the pillow on my head is coming in no help ugh!

I dont want to wake up, the government should make early morning calls illegal.

I move my hands over the sheets to somehow find the buzzing phone but accidentally push the phone away which makes it fall off the bed.

I scowl and move myself to somehow reach the corner of the bed and pick up the phone which has stopped ringing now.

I unlock the screen to see 15 missed calls and 7 messages from aarav.

i open the messages but the phone rings up againso i pick it up,

"Where are you dumbo?"

"What do you mean?!!"

"Stop quoting justin's-"

"Idiot i meant i am in my room obviously, where else will i be at this time?"

"THIS TIME ITS 10:30, dont tell me you're not ready"
"I am."

"No youre not, you think i dont know you!"


"they are putting the list on the board, come to the auditorium fast!"

Before i could say okay he cuts the call Maybe he is too excited, after all everybody knows he will get selected.

Actually aarav is a great drummer and he only forced me to give the audition, mostly manipulated my innocent head!
He was so sure that i will get selected with him that he already asked me to confirm everything from my dad before hand and i did exactly as he asked me to do.
Maybe cause even i really used to believe i would get in  but after how i screwed it up on the stage yesterday.
i dont really think i will.
Being a pragmatist,
i cant really hope anything anymore so kind of i dont want to check the list but he wont just let me be...
I hop off the bed and remove a plain white top and a simple black jeans from my cupboard and throw it on the bed when suddenly i hear the phone ringing again, it must be aarav.

i stare at the phone screen for awhile.

I know he must have called to say that he got selected and sadly i didnt..i dont wanna hear that but im his friend so i should be happy for him if he got selected, lets just pick it up kiiara!



"WE?" I almost choke..... if he is kidding then its a terrible joke

"um o....kay"

I rush into the washroom and within 20 minutes i am all ready.
I remove my shoes and start wearing it.

What if its some error?
i cant believe it!
Did i sing well? should i call my sister? what should i do.....uggh! this is so weirdddd.
What if he saw a wrong name and thought it was mine.
he can make any mistake right?

What is wrong with you kiiara!
You got selected bitchhh!!!! You got selected!!!


I start dancing in the most craziest manner, this is so amazing, its still hard to believe but wooohooo

"Nice steps eh save it for new york kiiara!...Aarav must be waiting" i whisper to myself by wrapping my arms around me, almost squelling like a kid and then i take my bag which has a scarf tied up and i almost run, shutting the door behind myself.

I walk towards the college with a head full of doubts and i know i have already thought of million ways about how things could go wrong.

i reach the auditorium filled with so many heads moving around i cant see aarav anywhere.

Where is this guy!

I try jumping a little so that i could see him through the crowd when suddenly someone holds me into a hug from behind and lifts me up


"Put me down put me down"

"Hii oh lol sorry hehe"

I turn and bombard him with questions,

"Did you see the list properly?
Are you sure it wasn't someone elses name?
Maybe it was some other list, did you check?
What if they printed it wrong?
Did it say K..II...A..RA??-"

"Calm down calm down... youre late idiot! When you were not here i made everything 100% confirmed so chilll"

"Fine fine so wooooooooooohhooooooo!"

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