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Kiiara's pov:-
I am the only straggler here as everyone is already seated spaciously in their little groups spread over the entire circular ground and an open sky of twinkling stars are hovering over them and somehow even though its loud but the voice of all the people, being busy singing their own rhythm makes it all seem exact opposite of noise.

Its just like the movies, i always wanted to be a part of!

I was nervous before i got here so i wore my nerd spectacle which would attract the least attention and a big cap which covers my face entirely , i just wanna be a silent listener!
I snap out of my pretty intense struggle of searching for a place to sit with my guitar peacefully as i hear someone clear her throat,
"Hey doll face settle down, your blocking our way!"
I look up to see a red head looking at me with a blank face
Way? Where are they trying to go? Doll face eew,

"Uh ye..a" i reply as i try to move in some random direction. Like i said i dont want to attract any attention so no attempt of speaking more than a word, got it!
i almost dont notice nistha standing too with the red head untill she speaks in a high pitched voice and then i register its not just them but a whole bunch of other people waiting for me to move,
Too much for not getting noticed!

I keep my gaze on the floor as i push past them without saying a word,

I remove my phone in order to call arrav, i remember he asked me to call him when i reach here.
a message from fake shawn, not now ugh!

Dont tell me you're not gonna show up!-S

Aw, I'm sick so im not going to make it to the jamming sorry-K

Hush! Trouble solved, fake shawn can't find me. Just have to keep low like this and then no problem..im so good in disguise, keep it up kiia!! I look up from my screen to find aarav staring at me with puzzled eyes

"You know i am standing here since last five minutes but now youre noticing me, "

"Ohhh i was about to call you!!!!!....."

"why are you creeping people out by smiling like that alone?"

"Aye please if anything is creepy then its you of course!! i wonder how long were you planning on standing there without talking, you scared-"
Aarav stops me by covering my mouth with his hand and with other he takes the cap which i was wearing
"Shutup and what's with this stupid cap?"

"You giant monster gimme back my cap right now!"

I demand as i struggle like an ant trying to snatch away my cap from a giants hand, how tall is this person?

"Is this because you finally realised you look ugly so youre ashamed of showing your face to others?"

Arrav says as he gasp in a childish way.
I have had enough for today and i really dont want that stalker to know im here,

"Please aarav can you not, i had enough drama for today, please please please-" i speak and i guess he can't take my pleading for any longer so he finally puts my cap back on my head

"Fine take this shitty cap back but promise you'll tell me what happened in the entire day that youre sounding like a baby about to cry!"
He speaks in Donald duck's voice and normally i really enjoy when he does that like a lil kid but today i cant stand it
"Ugh youre so annoying...anything that makes you stop bothering me"

"I am bothering fine, i dont wanna talk to you. Meano meano!
Find yourself a seat bye."

"Ugh youre not bothering, youre too sweet okay? Now can we go sit somewhere."

"Say it nicely first." He replies with a pout

"Aarav i swear dont ask me to be your killer!" I literally roar
"Ohh lord so much drama young lady"

He finally takes me to a place that's almost on the other side of the ground from where i was standing initially.

I settle next to aarav as slowly other people start gathering up around us. I sit quietly without drawing much attention.

finally a really beautiful girl with long brunette hair comes up with a mike in the middle of the circle and i hear everyone hooting and clapping.

"So everyone excited for this warm up session before the REAL DEAL! let's explore the talent we got here..so who's ready to show up first and sing!...?????"

everyone scream altogether and i close my eyes tightly.
If i imagine myself to be in his shoes right now, how proud will i be after hearing them cheer like this?

He isn't lucky like they all say, he must be really talented to reach where he is in such a short while. Being of the same age i feel really embarrassed and i know if i ever really meet shawn , i can never appreciate him the way he deserves because i envy him, he is living the dream i always wish to come true. But that'll be so unfair if i can't appreciate someone so talented!

I can't ever call myself his fan and i hate myself for that.

Three months just 90 days more to go, just dont have to crash into him again-

"I love it when you
Just dont care
I love it
When you dance..."

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